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Archery coyote


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2016
Lewistown MT
Anyone here shot a coyote with an arrow, are they notoriously hard to blood trail? Shot one last night, frontal shot in the front of the chest , he spun around on the ground a couple times yelping then ran off into some thick brush where I could hear him snarling for a few seconds, then silent. I have no doubt that shot was fatal but was really surprised I found no blood at all. May go back and look for him in the daylight this weekend but I’m sure the fur is no good yet anyway…
If it was a frontal shot and the arrow is still in him, it makes sense that there would be little to no blood trail. The arrow is plugging the hole where the blood could come out. Probably dead in the thick stuff where you heard it snarling.
Only shot two with my bow. One was between the eyes and was no tracking on that one. Second was quarter towards and it piled up in 40 yards. Wouldn’t have had a problem blood trailing it if I had needed to
I've shot one broadside at 15yds. I'm color blind and had no trouble trailing him. Like mentioned if front and no arrow guessing it's plugging the hole.
It’s a terrible sight to see a coyote stuck with and arrow and run cross the field clear into the thickest of thickets
I shot a big male years ago. No trouble trailing him the fifteen yards. I believe he would be the SCI world’s record coyote.

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