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Arby's Venison Sandwich

I didn't think about the high fence issue, but I did like the idea of exposing more people to the idea of venison. I guess there wouldn't be any other way to source it. Most of the people I have shared this with on FB are not open to the idea of venison.
My 1st thought of was how sick I got last time I ate there many years ago.....
Not sure how I feel about the venison sandwich, I don't care for any more high-fence places popping up either, whether they're here or in New Zealand.

I do like that Arby's has been airing hunting-related commercials. Arby's is probably my favorite fast food place.
There's a big difference between high fence hunting and deer farms, where this meat will be coming from. It'll likely be from overseas as well.
Picking on the one restaurant that seems to be supporting hunting? Le sigh.
I will try it, if it's at an Arby's near me. Venison is no doubt healthier than beef. I don't care if it's raised behind a fence. Beef is raised behind a fence. Why is one animal's life more valuable than the other? Animals=food for me. Maybe it will even get a few non hunters involved in our sport.
There's a big difference between high fence hunting and deer farms, where this meat will be coming from. It'll likely be from overseas as well.
The report on the radio I heard this morning is that the meat is coming from NZ. Likely red deer.
It's not like some bubba is out shooting these deer and Arby's gets the meat. They're farmed animals, no different than eating a buffalo burger.
I support Arby's venture in this market. It focuses on wild game. Quality control may be difficult. I have had excellent venison and some that were not so palatable. Farm raised venison will help with this consistency in quality.

May help a few hunters to go out a shoot a free Arby's venison. Can't hurt. If the young enjoy the meat, they may want to hunt for that meat!
I know that it seems like any time a new disease is found in the wild deer herd, it can be traced back to a farm. That said, I don't envision this becoming a big thing with new deer farms popping up all over the country.
There's a big difference between high fence hunting and deer farms, where this meat will be coming from. It'll likely be from overseas as well.

Randy is exactly correct. It is illegal to sell any parts of wild venison in the u.s. Venison(elk, deer, bison etc) sold in stores or restaurants must be pen raised and inspected by the usda as beef would be. It probably comes from New Zealand.
I like Arby's and their commercials about "meat season" and that talk about hunting. I wonder if the venison sandwich will be a test market item and then disappear. I'm still glad to see them direct commercials towards hunters and not get paralyzed wondering which group are we going to "offend" with this commercial.

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