Yeti GOBOX Collection

AR dot sights


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2018
Las Vegas
Built my first AR15, time to top it. Tell me the whats, why's and wherefores please and thank you.
If you want something for light duty use or plinking there’s a lot of options. If you want what the pros use, or just want something heavy duty, EoTech, Aimpoint, Trijicon. You’ll pay for them.
I use a burris 332 on a short barrel ar i predator hunt with itsfun for fast shooting. AR scopes are kind of based on what your using them for, i have some i shot to 1000 with a lot more optic....
Aimpoint Patrol Optic is what I have on duty carbine as super long battery life so leaving it on in the trunk it can be grabbed and aimed without turning anything on, I think they claim 1,000 hour battery life on medium setting. It is 2 moa. the Tru Glow are less expensive and have an activation feature that turns them on when the gun moves, nice feature when they sit in a rack for long periods, have two on pistols and good value for $$. I like the eotech too, particularly the LEO reticle on one I got from Brownell that has 3 aiming points, 25, 100, 300 for man size silhouette in 3 gun competition works great. None of the red dots I have used are conducive to accurate small target shooting past 100 yards, a 2 MOA dot totally covers a coyote kill zone at 200 for example, low power scope with illuminated reticle may be a better choice.
As previously mentioned, so much depends on what you're doing with it. If it's to be a tactical badass at the local gravel pit, probably any red dot sight will work fine. I agree, RDS are a poor choice past 100 yards. Between size of the dot itself, and any user induced parallax, you'll find it's tough to drive tacks.
Thanks for the pointers guys. I didn't scrimp on parts. Basically built the thing around a 5.56 16" daniel defense barrel with magpul furniture. At some point I'll upgrade the trigger from the OTS milspec one I put in. For now I'm putting magpul iron sights on it coz one reason I built it was to get better at offhand. My goal is to have a solid all around gun for general use at the range, varmints, etc.
If you want something for light duty use or plinking there’s a lot of options. If you want what the pros use, or just want something heavy duty, EoTech, Aimpoint, Trijicon. You’ll pay for them.
Yeah, I don't think I'll be putting a 2k sight on it.
Just get yourself a aimpoint micro or a PRO in a LaRue mount so you won’t have to worry about durability or battery life. Seriously all my aimpoints have lasted years, spent hours upon hours in the rain, dropped, fell from moving vehicles, etc. They make a 2moa and 4moa version now.
It’s all about practice. I’ve made some pretty long shots on bodies (300yds+) with the old school 4moa.
To get the durability and battery life of a quality RDS (red dot sight) in a LPVO (low power variable optic) you are looking at $2-3k verses $400-700.
I’ve got a Burris 536 that I was going to list before too long if you’d be interested.