Apparently I made a new friend

Thats like A guy being guilty for looking at other women ... It's OK,,, Jsut come home for dinner

I'd actually kick yer a$$ if you didn't look at other boards
HEll, Go look at Monster Mulies and Check out the OPEN forum.. mY posts are the top 3 .. But, I usually go out to "Stir the pot"

I figured it was that, I wass just wondering if they saw you and got your Info. If there was a Way to do that I would have wanted to know. there are some people I'd like to look up
AND.. I don't have the BALLS to call it to find out if this person has the Same first name... BUT...

Wetzel M L
1935 Rustic Dr Casper WY 82609 (307) 234-4331

Could his first name be "mckell" .. HUMMm I'm not sure
ALL I know is if it is... HIS neighbor is getting a butt plug (A big Pink one) But it will have Wetzels name on it.. SO he has to go Nextdoor to Deliver it. then the following day his Other neighbor will get one.... Buuuahahaha !!!!

OK.,... OK... It's late, I better go to sleep before I call him. I could see the conversation now...

RING RING.... Uhhh hello?

YES, This is Moosie, I dropped you a line earlier, I haven't gotten an Email back yet but was wondering, HAVE you spotted any good bucks lately ?

DUDE, It's 12fugging30 you @#$@#$* WHAT the F@#$ are you doing calling me...

Ohhhh... SORRY, I didn't realise it was Late, I got your # from a gay dating service in Rawlings and...

CLICK !!!!!

...OOPS !!! hehe !!
Another nasty trick is to get all the subscription sign-up cards that fall out of the magazines (Okay, if you want to be really bad - go to a gay porn store) and fill them out with the guy's address, and check the "Bill me" box.

You can also call and order a load of manure delivered, too...COD. You can call and cancel utilities, although some locations are wising up and asking for identity info.

Or so I've been told...
Yea Cali is right... there are the fella's who like to criticize the people who use screen names instead of real names who I thought about sending a few subscriptions to.
I got 1 search person's address saved just in case he pisses me off one more time.

Oh btw He isnt a member of here
I would simply let your new friend know if he was a better Hunter the results would be turned around and out of state hunters would not have to harvest his big bucks for him.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-24-2003 15:46: Message edited by: Handloader ]</font>
DUDE I hope you sent this guy a pic of the buck you killed?
That was great. You are one twisted, sick S.O.B.!!!! Remind me to never get on your bad side. Are you a contributing writer to the book, "Don't Get Mad, Get Even"?
If you have any more good ideas, let me know. I have a brother in law that sent me a phoney draft notice back in 69. I still have to get even with him for that one!
This is what i sent him

"Last time i checked wyoming is in america, and ive heard rumors that it is a free country. shouldnt i have just as much a right to hunt it as you, afterall i spend 1000 dollars a year to hunt there, whereas u can hunt for a tank of gas,a can of beans or 2 and a box of shells. Hmmmmm, i wonder what is better for conservation and management, $1000 or $40. So just back up off that shit your talking about my friends, or i wont hunt there anymore, and yall be a hell of alot worse off than when i was!"

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