

Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
well my wife is now as nervous as a whore in church about me going by myself into 20A, 26 or 27 sometime in Oct(haven't decided when or where yet, but 20A is looking like the winner and as late as possible(but I can change), as my buds are there now and I'll have info when they come back)--anyway is anyone going into these zones that would like to partner up and pack in--'ell I'll camp by myself and leave you alone, but it would ease her mind if she knew someone would be somewhat close, just in case I get attacked by some wild Idahoian or whatever---any help is appreciated--chris
I'm ashamed nobody hasd even replied to ya Chris. :( They all must have other plans.

Wish I could help ya out but I must stay to tiier hills this October with my boys. ;)
didn't 'pect much--as I've not been around for a year or so--been hiding my shame of not be able to hunt like I usually do---not many remember me 'cept for some of you guys that have been around since the beginning---it would be nice to have some company who knew the area and for those just in cases, but with the satellite phone the just in cases are covered and I'll just figure the area out on my own--just like I did growing up--get your buns out there and go for it---chris
Heck Chris I'd agive it some thought just for something to do (when it some to elk hunting) but we will be up in X3B (Cedarville) for most of the October deer season.

Good luck to you though...and good idea with the sat. phone if you end up solo!

marv--on a side note--do you have a dodge cummins??? seems like I've seen this(your) handle on some of the diesel forums---just wondering--thanks and good luck to you--knock a big one in the dirt---chris
Well I'm sure you've seen the handle- HuntAmerica, HuntInfo, TSO, Wildside, etc... mostly old haunts now that I'm at Moosies ;)

But to answer your question- I do have a diesel but its a (pre PowerSmoke) 1993 7.3Ford variety.

Heading out Friday night again to chase after some B zone blacktails but can't wait for muley bucks in October
ok--someone has a handle like yours on a diesel site, but you are right I've seen you on some other sites in the past--again good luck on the B-tail and Oct. muley......chris
I remember the really nice elk you got in montana. Your pics where in a garage you were finishing. Maybe I'm wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.
I'd go with ya but am going to wyoming in about three weeks.
yep PA MT MAN---that's me--the garage is full of dead elk, mule deer, caribou, bobcat, blacktail deer, whitetail deer, coyote, antelope--horns or mounts or skins of some sort or another--I may have just talked one of my younger brothers into going with me--we'll see if he comes thru--I'm not holding my breath though--but I'm pretty much set with going in by myself and looking forward to it--chris
Ya know Chris, I thought about your hunt and realized that I never go hunting alone. It is always with someone. So I dont think I would know how to hunt solo. ;) :confused:

Let us know if your brother makes it with ya.
I'm on the phone with him right now and he bought the tags--so I have someone now--it's his first big game hunt--should be interesting--chris
MarvB, If you don't mind me asking, how many miles do you have on your Ford and has it given you good service?
Csutton7, I am glad you have someone to hunt with you. I have gone alone a couple of times. It scary knowing your it. That there is no backup if you make a mistake or have an accident. Your satellite phone idea is a good one, best of luck on your hunt and I am glad you have company, Good Luck, JLG.
yea it will be nice to have someone with me--even if he is a rookie--the sat phone will be nice--you can rent it for $25 per week or $75 for a month--$100 set up and $100 deposit(which you get back--cheap insurance I figure plus the peace of mind for the whiner--I mean wife--thanks for responding---chris
JLG--The -93 crewcab (F350) has 135,000 miles without a single (loud knocking on wood heard now) mechanical problem. The one before that was an -89 extra-cab that I sold at 169,000 miles and only lost a power-steering pump. The first one was a -83 (6.9L) that I sold (no room for car seats) with about a kazillion miles on it and again no engine problems just peripherals like glow plug sending unit, brake booster pump, ball joints, etc.

....I'm sold on diesels!
well.. If you werent in Montana, Id go with yah.. Im lookin' for a place to go as well.
I dont go huntin' alone anymore for many reasons.
Im in St Charles county in Missery, I mean.. um .. Missouri.
ah well .. good luck to yah..

OMY lmfao (Im totally crackin' UP at these graemlins holy **** too freakin' funny)
MarvB, I bought my first diesel last year in Nov. My only compliant so far is I love it so much I drive the S--- out of it. I could see getting another one and another one after that, Good Luck, JLG.
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