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Anyone with an old DUI gone to Canada in the last few years?

The change in 2018 is a result of when the sentencing for the offense in Canada changed, so there are different circumstances if you were convicted before then or after the change.

As well, having a single offense or multiples changes things wait periods until you can come in without having to do paperwork beforehand like an expungement or criminal rehabilitation through CBSA processes.

Shoot me a PM if you want to discuss. I'm well versed in the topic and glad to answer.
Here is my story, I made the huge mistake of driving drunk one night after to many drinks with some friends. It was a huge mistake in my life and I learned from it. I didn't put anyone's life in danger but my own. As soon as I left the bar parking lot I got pulled over. I didn't pass anyone on the street. It was almost 3 months ago, some people don't learn but most do. Some of the statements some of you guys are making are way off base and very harsh in my eyes. Now I do not condone this type of driving offense and it's a really bad one to make if you are in the running for a fire service, well its over now, and thanks to records removal options; expunged and dismissed, with less fees, am never drinking and driving again. Learnt that lesson. If you have troubles with DUI file a complaint to mail:[email protected]. Less legal fees and was very professional
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