Anyone use the spot hog fast eddie hunting?


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2019
Anyone use the Spot Hogg Fast Eddie? Im wanting a sight that is adjustable so I can shoot long range at home for fun, then still have a sight that will be good for hunting. Not sure if the double pin vertical is the way to go or its better to go with the 3 or side pin. Anyway, I'd appreciate any experience you guys have with them.
I use a Fast Eddy XL, 5 pin. I like the dovetail mount to push the pins as far out as possible, it's helps my eyes focus on them.

I've got no complaints with it. Never used a single post slider, just because I like having multiple pins.
I use the spot hog with double pin and love it
set 1st pin at 20 2nd is 35 without moving sight so for most hunting here in Pa I never need to move it my bow doesnt have much of a drop from 20 to 30 so 15 to 25 in good with 1st pin 30 to 35 I use 2nd
I just picked one up and threw it on the other day. Looks like it will do what ya want with it. Thing about Spot Hogg's they are built so well.
I hunt with the fast eddie 3 pin. bullet proof sight. I just purchased the triple stack to see if I like the straight line pins any better. I will let you know how I like it.
My one complaint ( I really searching for a problem) is that there is no where on this sight to attach my hamskea leveling tool for 3rd axis at full draw. (first world problems)
My bow is already a boat anchor, so I don't mind the weight.
Fast eddie 5 pin for me. I like practicing with the slider out to 100. I set it with 5 pins to 70 or 80. This way I can hunt with it and not have to move it during fast action. I also broke a few sights before I went to this. It is a lot more durable than the cheaper stuff I have had before
Just put a 3 pin on my bow and headed to a 3D shoot. Loved it!
Pins set at 20,30,40. Covered most shots at that shoot. Should cover 80% of my hunting situations.
I use the Spott Hogg triple stack, super good sight. Hunting and target shooting, reaching out pretty far. I like having 3 pins so I don't have to adjust if an animal is 20-40 yards away but being able to slide out to 40-60+ if I have a good shot and stalking closer isn't an option.
I use the fast eddie XL with the double pointer. I think it is absolutely ideal for hunting other than being a little heavy. With my setup, when the top pin is set at 25 yds the bottom point is dead on around 39 yds. Essentially 25 and 40. Anyway, its simple, use the top pin from point blank out to about 30yds. then 35 to 45 I can use the bottom setting. If I had to make a 50 yd shot, chances are I have time to move the sight to be dead on. But I really don't shoot deer over 40 so that would be an emergency "I wounded him and he stopped at 60" type scenario where if the critters already hit I'll put another arrow into it given the oppurtunity.
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