PEAX Equipment

Anyone shoot a single shot out there?

Here you go!! My son shoots one in 44Mag per the older Indiana rules. :)
When I first started hunting my dad told me I had to shoot at a small coffee can 1000 times and hit it 995 times. His coffee intake went up considerably that summer and by the end of summer, he had bought me a HandiRifle in .243. That rifle taught me that I had one shot and had to make it count. I never felt undergunned with that rifle. It was made before they made the switch from ejectors to extractors on their rifles so reloads were simpler as long as the empty didn't hit you in the face at Mach 5. I even got a double one day on a deer that stuck around a little to long after seeing his friend go down. If they were still being made, I would suggest a HandiRifle in .243 to any dad looking for his youngster's first deer rifle.
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These are my 2 beauties!! Straight grip is 45-70 and the pistol grip on 40-70 sharps straight
I hunted white tails with a TC Encore in .243 for several years...but it’s been in the safe for a couple years now. But, now that I’m reloading, I think I’m going to work up a load for it for antelope...
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