
Anyone looking for a new handle??

Harry Savage at your service.
Just the First name :
Wilhelm Diamond

Middle Name:
Gunther Rider

First and Last name :
KC LeBlanc

First middle and Last :
Brett Rage

And a Random :
Johnny Longhorn

Call me Longhorn Ladies :D :D

If I use my real name (and I don't even use it): Gunther Montana

And the name I have used since birth: Kid Colby

Neither sound like porn names to me, more like outlaw names from the old west!!
First & last, w/caps Brett Sinner, no caps first & last Jake Spector, First only. w/caps Alex LeBlanc, first only, n/caps Butch Poker, Last only, with caps Johnny Shaft, Last, no caps Cort Stroker, First, middle, & last, w/caps KC Winters,first, middle, & last w/no caps Adam Diamond, my initals, all caps Rex Steele, my initals, no caps Vic Steele, my nick name, King Daniels, What I prefer to go by, Storm Colby.

Now, that's what I call aliases. Let's try going backwards.

Storm Colby becomes Max Savage, King Daniels becomes Wes Sinner, Vic Steele becomes Cort Carrington, Rex Steele becomes Colt Stallion, Adam Diamond becomes Salvadore Roma, KC Winters becomes Chaz Mannetti, Cort Stroker becomes Damien Roma, Johnny Shaft becomes Wex Sinner, Butch Poker becomes Rocco Coxx, Alex LeBlanc becomes Dirk Fury, Jake Spector becomes Dirk Moneyshot, and Brett Sinner becomes Devin Roma.

Now, that's interesting!

Ken :cool: :D ;) , or aka Brad Coxx

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