Anyone here been charged by an animal?

JJ awesome story. Your daughter is a brave girl for wanting to stay and kill the bear.

I have been charged by Javelina but once they get close enough to see you they usually back off. Not too scary...
That bear story is in a league above this, but the scariest thing I have run into was on a rattlesnake hunting trip. We were working a new den that we had just found and we had seen a pretty good sized snake at the entrance. It took us about 10 minutes to get set up and as soon as we shot the gas in the den, there was an immediate buzz and within a few seconds this big rattle snake comes out quick strait at my buddy. This is fairly unusual, because they usally set in there for at least 15 minutes and get pretty drunk from the fumes. They usually creep out real slow trying to be undetected. Back to the story, my budy grabs the snake with his catcher and it goes ballistic, it starts flailing in the air and shooting venom out all over us. Some gets in my eye and it immediatly starts burning like when you accidentally rub Jalepinos in your eye. So I am not much help at that point. Then the snake wraps it's self around the catcher and starts inch worming it'sway up the handle towards his hands. It's biting and spraying venom the whole time. He starts yelling at me to get my shit together and grab this snake before it bites him. I close the one bad eye, grab the snake with my catcher and keep it from getting any closer to him. we get it over the the cage and it's flailing so much we can't get it through the door. When we finally did, it at had left marks on the box where it had bitten the top 7 different times. Once we get the door closed, I ran back to the pick-up and got a bottle of water and washed my eye out. When I got back my buddy was just speachless, and you could see the goose bumps on him from about 15 feet away. All he said was,"did you see that thing". It was pretty intense.

Another time wasn't scary for me, but it was the first & last time my wife went snake hunting with me. We were set up in this real tight spot next to a creek. Those snakes were real receptive to gas and we caught 26 in about 15 minutes. They were coming out of 5 different holes some were at our feet and some were at eye level. We had less that 10 feet of working room, and Tracy couldn't get any further back or she would be in the creek, if the water hadn't been so cold I am sure she would have been out in it. Yes, I had to do a lot PR work after that.
dale thats a great story too. i have been closer than i would have liked to a rattler more than once. anyone who hunts them with a stick is just plain crazy, you are my hero man. i would love to try that sometime ummm maybe start with garter snakes first for practice
A long time ago, I had this red headed girl friend who was a real animal..... and I just got rid of a wife who liked to charge.... Does any of that count??


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