Anyone from Missoula?

The name of the place to dine is the Fin and Porter in the double tree inn. Fantastic menu and service.

Again the Depot is hard to beat but this place gives it a run for it's money.

Nemont, Yep, I agree with the superchick and the brains and eggs...Missoula classics.

Ever tried the Dinosaur cafe in Charlies? Smokey as chit in there, but they have some good grub, and its freaking cheap. I used to hit that once in a while with my hippie buddies.

Cant go wrong with a burger from the Missoula club either.

The Union Club has some decent food, entertainment, and hippie crowd. Really downtown Missoula is some great entertainment.
I have not tried the Dinosaur. I have been in Finnegan's at 4 a.m. more time then I care to mention. My best friend played BB for the Griz in the early 90's and he has taken this poor Bobcat under his wings while in Missoula.

It is tough to drink with ex-Griz athletes because I never have to pay for a drink when I am with him. Plus it is nice to hang out with a 6'8" 270lbs guy because no one ever give us grief.

I ate up at the mansion on the hill, Shadow's Keep, last week. Way over priced. That Fin and Porter really was terrific. I think it is only a couple of year old.

Nemont, if you're buddy takes you under his wing in Missoula, and is an ex-griz...I'd bet a fair amount of that free liquor has come from Stockmans.

A good friend of mine owns Stocks, went to school with him from 3rd grade through highschool. I hate going in there, but I do a few times year, even though I know I'll pay the piper...reprecussions for not having to buy a drink I guess.
Thanks for the tips guys. I'll let you know what shakes out! Saturday night we'll probably do a bit a bar hopping as that is a 'kings' only sport in UT...$5 'membership' fee everytime you go in a different door!
I have drank a lot of free booze in Stocks. I think the guy Shawn knows is called Duck but his real name Don, I think. Anyway yes Stocks, the oxford, the Iron Horse,Mustang Sally's(which is now a different kind of establishment) and some places I really don't remember the name have all been on my circuit of must see places in Missoula.
I now am getting old enough that my bed time is before the fun really get going.

Thanks for the tips fellas! The Depot was definitely good eats and quite 'affordable'! ;) A Superchick is definitely a must have if stopping through. Also, had a meal and plenty of suds at the Iron Horse. Liked all the bars but a few were a bit too 'seedy' for my wife's liking, though we did enjoy Sean Kelly's and the band wasn't half bad. On Sat. we drove up to Moiese (sp?) to the Nat. Bison Range. Fun little trip and some great country to drive through. This trip has just re-affirmed my assumption that if I ever get the chance to move to western MT I'd almost have to. Thanks again for all the suggestions.
Glad you had fun. Although I could never live there I enjoy visiting Missoula when ever I can. I have hoisted a few there at the Ironhorse.

See many elk up there at the National Bison Range? There are usually quite few around there.

Still can't forgive for the west Dakota remark.

We only saw one cow, but the wife wasn't too keen on doing any hiking after the warnings about getting trampled by a bison! ;) Funny thing was, the cow was in the Jocko (I think) River dipping her head underwater to get at pondweeds/algae to eat. 'Twas something I'd never seen before.

I'll take back the West Dakota comment. Now, do you know any place out there to shoot p'dogs?? My dad think that's looks like a hoot, so we may try that next spring/summer.
Now, do you know any place out there to shoot p'dogs??
Remember Tyler, I worked on many a pdog town in Phillips County (between NEmont and me) and can help you out. That is unless you shoot a bigger deer than me in WY. ;)
Whats this "West Dakota" comment? Do I need to defend my roots (Cartwright, ND). Nemont, you could only be so lucky to have any Dakota ties!
Even though I have tried to hide the shame all my life my dad is from Devils Lake :D Although the place where he grew up is now under 16 feet of water. Still have family in Devils Lake, Lakota, Doyne, Brockett, Southam and a few other places over there.

I was just busting on 1-pointer a little.

Doyne= Doyon perhaps?

Wow, thats even East Dakota nemont! If your dads place is on the east half of the lake, I have probably pulled a crank bait over it.

No need to be shamed.
miller- I can't go there, I'm afraid of getting bit! Nibbling I can handle (hint for next month), but biting is out of the question! ;)

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