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Anyone eat.....


Active member
Jan 13, 2002
Salmon, ID
Does anyone here eat the liver, heart or other organs?? I never have but some people say it is alright. My opinion is that if it was cooked right, it might not be too bad. What's your opinion, and if you like it tell me your favorite way to have it cooked.
I have had whitetail liver once and liked it. But then again, I liked liver back then. The person that fixed it fried it up with apples and it was really good. I have heard that the heart is the best, but I have never had it myself.
None of that stuff for me, the meat is enough and the last thing I want to worry about hauling out is the liver and heart. There was this older fellow that used to drive around during cow elk season and pick the hearts out of the fresh gut piles and take them home and cook them up.
I passed up alot of elk in AZ hunting with Big D before he passed away in fear of having to eat the liver he threatened to cook up when I got my elk, I figured it would have to be a huge bull to have to live up to gulding down some elk liver.
Take the heart and flatten it out with a meat mallet, take a fillet knife and cut the valves (tough) out of the chambers, marinate overnite in oil & vinegar salad dressing, and cook over hot mesquite coals...


...now the liver, follow the same recipe but when it comes time to throw it on the grill- miss and let the dogs eat it :D yuk!
I like fresh deer and elk liver, with lots of onions. I'll only eat it the first night after I get an animal. Whatever liver is left after that I throw out, or cook up and feed to the dogs. Deer and elk hearts are really good. There are different ways to cook it. You can slice it up into little steaks and fry it, or just bake the whole thing.
Deer liver cooked up the night before in onions and apples, then eaten for breakfast is very good. It has a very sweet flavor... :D
I have eaten all three items, liver, heart, and brain.

Yes the brain, if you take a fresh one, less than 3 hours old and have it on ice right away.
Take the brain and fry it with scambled eggs and then add spices, and then salsa at the end.
The guy who helped me butcher my first deer long ago did this and I tried it and it was surprisingly good.
Have done it 3 times since and it is still good. Very strange texture though.
you can also pickle the feet......man there delicious!.....JB
I'm thinking with CWD happening it would not be a good idea to eat the brains anymore, just my opinion. But then again I don't eat the liver, feet LOL, or the hearts. I'll save em all this fall and ship them out on ice fed ex to whoever wants them LOL
Well with not haing CWD here until recently, I never had to give it much thought.
CWD I think showed up in NM or UT and that is too close to here.

I won't be eating anymore brains until they get that whipped.
The liver should still be good if cooked thoroughly.
you boys are nasty.......YUCK

thats worse than eatin the squirrel....which by the way...still looks like a rat when skinned :eek:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-06-2002 14:28: Message edited by: FLIPPER ]</font>
I like elk liver all right, but it's not as good as elk lips and nose boiled in a bucket of bacon grease. Of course, you have to be sorta careful how you cook it all, or it'll kinda be like eating a catcher's mitt.

Lets see, ya cook it with apples and onions. Ya wrap it in bacon, smother it with salsa. Pour on a ton of salt & pepper, and if your lucky, ya don't puke at the first bite. Mmmmmmmmmmm good, I think I'll leave mine for the coyotes.
I don't eat organs, but if ya want, I'll save my next deer weiner for ya ? :eek:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-07-2002 02:47: Message edited by: Anaconda ]</font>
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