Caribou Gear Tarp

Anybody stick fishes?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Well it is pretty slow around here, so I thought I would bring up my next season (hope the dirt bags in Texas are having fun without us). It is only about 6 weeks until the carp shooting will get rolling. Does anyone else chase fishes with a bow?

Here are a couple of shots of carp I took while attending college in eastern SD. The shooting is not as good here in northcentral Montana, but other opportunities more than make up for it. haha


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Great pictures.
One of the archery clubs has a carp shoot around here in June.
We havent ever gone to it, but looking at those fish ,it might be something fun to try.
Do you use a different bow then the one you hunt with?
I just picked up my reel. Looks close to yours. Now I have to get a bow that doesn't hit as hard as my elk set up and I will be ready. I have a recurve that I will probably borrow to start. I just hope I will have enough time this spring....Great pics...
Thanks elk and mdeer,

Yeh, I use a different bow. I am currently using a bow I had when I was in high school. You don't want one cranked too high or it will pass through all the time (this make unhooking very time consuming). I think I have this bow set at 35 or 40 pounds. Elk, I think a recurve would be the way to go. I have been looking for one as well, but tough to find a cheap lefty.

I have used several types of reels in the past and have found the "zero drag" to be the best (it is the one in the top picture). I don't use the reel when I have a fish on (hand over hand), but it works well when I miss (often in the early season).

When I was in SD, between a buddy and myself, we would shoot ~100 on a good day. It was suprising how many old folks would stop to watch and were very excited when we let them have our fish. They could not believe someone would throw these away.

Hopefully we will get some run-off in this part of the country so I can get some carpin' in. The state record carp came out of a reservior only 20 miles from my house. Right now my personal best is just over 30 pounds (well you know how fish scales work) :D
The top one is the one I have. I picked it up out of the bargain basement at Cabela's last time I was thru. The bow I will be using is at Elchsr Jr.s house, being used as an ornament. I gave it to the family to practice archery. All well. Hopefully this year it will get some real use...... :D :D
Yes sir bow fishing for carp is something everyone should do. It's good to see you yankie's enjoying the sport.
Man, how that looks like fun. Don't mean to but in. I was heading north from the fishing section and saw the topic.

There's a guy around here that has a boat all setup for bow fishing carp. He built a tower and platform about 6' up from the deck of a Boston Whaler and extended the trolling motor foot pedal to the tower. He stalks around every spring nailing as many of them carps as he can. Looks like a blast.

I bowfish, catch and release only! At Lake Lowell in Nampa the fish are shallow right now. For big fish, wade the flooded fields on the Snake River. There are some HUGE fish in there. They make excellent bear bait.
T Bone!
I didn't realize it was possible to catch and realese fish after poking a hole in their side's. Or is this a different tactic than the norm?....

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