Anybody hunting Easter weekend?


New member
Mar 11, 2001
Johannesburg, South Africa
Besides some predator calling on Friday and Saturday evenings, I'll be staying at home like a good father and husband should. And I'll be accumulating many many points indeed, valueble points that I will need with a hectic hunting season planned ahead.
What shall I do? Well, clean the pool, feed the dogs, change some light bulbs, fix the garden hose, have a family braai, ....
Now ain't that nice?


ps. somebody once said that one must use points as soon as you are in the positive. Apparently they expire or at the least loose value. Is that true?
they dont lose value they just get overlooked, apparentlly you have to remind the point giver that you have them and why
Guess I'm luckier than most,my wife has a problem with traveling anywhere,so we don't vacation,I use all mine [4 weeks a year]to hunt around here.She doesn't mind me going on weekends either, I don't have to build up any points.

I am lucky that I have a woman who also likes to hunt and travel. (Just make sure there are no casinos around or she wont hunt) Nothing like being in a hunting blind in Texas with the woman you love
I guess not,Nut! Unless it'd be being in one in Hawaii with 6 women you love or something,heh-heh!
Yep been out 5 days so far the red Stag rut just starting, completly fugged up a stalk on a Red Stag got impatient and chased a roaring stag into a dirty gut when I should have kept on the ridge and roared him out and got busted by an old hind
coulda shot a few spikies and ragies who have been hanging around rutting wallows looking for hinds but have no neeed of meat so I'll just keep trying
Well you know, good thing we can't see into the future. I wrote that silly posting totally unaware of what will happen on Saturday.
Went to gym and had my handbag stolen from my locker. Cell phone, R1600 cash, credit cards, membership cards, PH licences, Gerber, all my keys, electronic contacts, ID, drivers licence and handgun.
I have big big sh#t now.
The cops want to take all my rifles now.
That BLOWS MAN !!!!!! Whats the odds of getting anything back ? Why should you get in trouble for someone stealing your stuff ?
ive got to agree what are the odds that you would get robbed again. what are the laws over there
Your sympathy is appreciated, I got support on another board too.
To date (Thursday) the cops had not even tried to trace the cell phone (technically simple). I arranged cooperation by the Gym, not interested.
When I sat down with the lawyer yesterday, it was R3000 ($230) before we started talking. There goes my 2003 hunting budget. He told me the cops are not interested in the least in recovering the one stolen gun. It is much easier to collect 10 from soft target me instead. Much easier to disarm law-abiding society that to take on the criminals!
The lawyer says chances are 100% they will press criminal charges soon.
And hear this! A guy who went through the same saga recently, told me that if I pursue to catch the thief myself, it will do my case no good. Why? Because nothing stops the cops to negotiate "procecution indemnity" with the thief in exchange for lying in court that my locker was never locked!!!!!
How's that for being an upright citizen!

I have been wearing a handgun for 30 years, with few people around me even knowing of it, never needed to draw it, and this is what I get now for all that discipline.
SAPS certified "dedicated hunter", "dedicated firearm sportsman", Professional Hunter, all of that suddenly means nothing.
I'll keep you posted.

Sorry SalmonGunner, been away from the board for a while.
I spent R3000 on a lawer, and nothing happened so far. The cops have contacted neither him nor me.
I now want to buy a Smith and Wesson 500 Magnum hunting revolver, and this will probably bring things to a head.
Thanx for your interest.
Hopefully nothing comes of it... I thought maybe they had thrown you in Robben Island and we would never hear from you again...

Thought maybe we would have to have some "Free Lochi" rallies... Organize the concerts to "Free Lochi", boycott Sun City... You know, the whole bit....
You want the good news?!
The local cop shop charged me formally with firearm negligence, but the main firearm cops through out the case.
My lawyer was expensive but he got it right.

500 Smith & Wesson Magnum, here I come!
I'm really pleased to hear that you can remain in business of depleting blackbacked jackall populations somewhat at some places.
A very good thing for your future business also! Maybe Martin was worth the R3000 after all?
Good luck and take care in future.
Old Pro.

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