Kenetrek Boots

Anybody here going to the world hunt?


Dec 20, 2000
My buddy is hunting a dog there this year. He just made Gr Nt. last week and got beat up pretty bad in the process. drew a real rough dog, hope he heals up for next week!
Nope, Idaho here don't even have any UKC hunts, really not enough coon anyways. So the whole competition thing is kinda dead out this way. I would like to go to a big hunt and watch someday, like autumn oaks, winter classic or the world, but when everything is 1500 miles from you its kinda hard.
I aint goin' to the world,but I did run up to the oaks last Thursday.I have a Nite CH. female out of Gr.Nt.Ch Flowers' Wildfire(highest reproducing english)that I bred to Gr.Nt.Ch. Hardtime Moses.Moses is out of Gr.Nt.Ch.Smiths Hardtime Rocky(second highest reproducing english)I met Jim Oliver(the owner of Moses)at the oaks and we bred them there.That was my first trip to the oaks,and man is it big.Most dogs I ever seen in one place.
Would like to check it out some time. Here in CA there are not very many compatition hunts. Went to my first a mounth ago. I did not take my dog.
