Anybody else...

Seldom Ever

New member
Nov 30, 2003
Princeton, West Virginia
bought the new Primos "Freak" slate call / If so,what do you think ? I really like it! I've never been able to use a slate,always had to use a mouth call or a box call,but this one is easy and I really like it.

Also,has anyone else besides me purchased Cabelo's new ultralight ghillie for calling these old Toms ? Mine is great,I know it will be a plus and mask a lot of movement on my part.Kinda pricey,but well worth it in the long run!
Hey Seldom I havent purchased the Freak YET but am wanting to get it possibly.I have 4 pot calls already now but maybe have to get that one sometime this year.The one call that I was wanting to get really bad before this season started is the Egg.I really like the look of this call and am hoping that with its size and low tone that it could be the closer on hung up birds.
I dont use a Ghilli suit,I just go out in camo from head to toe,but did get a nice Turkey vest this year for Christmas and its already loaded for Turkey
Man I am fired up and ready to roll! I've got a turkey vest that I tricked out with velcro holders,etc.,for carrying my coat when it gets hot,etc. I really believe in the ghillies because they hide your outline so well they actually mask some movement.

I'll be hunting 2 states this year,I can take 4 birds,if I'm lucky.
Right on hope ya wack a few birds.Dang 4 states must be nice
One day I would like to hunt Florida for the Osceola.Or maybe even hunt Mexico for the Goulds.
I like that Roberts Brother's call, too. Great combination call. But I still like my Ben Lee super hen call and my Close Call, too, for slates. I probably oughta quit using the Ben Lee call. It must be a collectors item by now.
Thanks for the heads up Wally Dog,just got mine in after your recommendation and it is without a doubt the finest slate call I personally have ever seen or owned.I love the sound and I have much better volume control with it than any other type call I've owned.The case is great and I got the zebrawood striker as well.All in all it's the finest turkey call I own and will no doubt be the last I'll ever have to buy.
Try some different strikers, harder more dense wood seems to perform the best on the glass.
If you want a slate that will rattle through the woods pick up a "Billy White's Alabama Cackler".
you need to buy more calls!!!
If only you were just a bit closer I could get you squared away on glass or slate.
What causes you trouble?
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