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Anybody else have praise for the evet so sweet 6.5 x 55 Swede?

Good friend of mine has a sporterized Swede, he loves it. He’s taken pronghorn, deer, and elk with it.
When I got my first 6.5x55, you couldn't find that many more 6.5's and no American ones. Comparing the 6.5x55 to the 6.5 Creedmoore doesn't hold much water for me. I mean velocities are close and the same bullet's used and those bullet's that are exactly the same! Load aany 6.5 cartridge up with a 140gr bullet aand every rifle is firine the same bullet! I think for me the Sweed thing is a nostalgia thing. Truth is with what I like now if I started over I'd more than likely choose the 260 Rem. Short action which I like and I reload, how many different case's are based on the 308 and all you have to do is make a pass through an FL die to have a case? Again, same bullet's. Creedmoor people seem to make a big deal about a faster twist in it for target shooting long range then they take it hunting! Go figure! Not sure the twist on my 6.5x55 but handles 129 and 140 gr bullet's very well and I extreamly rarely will take a shot at a game animal even 300 yds off. I'd rather not fill the tag than risk wounding an animal. The only shot you'd ever have to take is the grizzly you managed to upset that is 20 yds off and coming! Never been to Africa. If I was expecting grizzly, my 6.5x55 would be my 30-06 with 200gr loads! Don't care to shoot magnum cartrodges at all anymore! I think at this point, the last rifle of mine i'd sell is my Creed, just a nostalgia thing!
I saw about 10 or 15 boxes of 6.5x55 on a shelf at a gun store when there was hardly any ammo to be found. If the had needed a rifle at the time I’d of bought that and found a rifle and been set for a long time.
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