PEAX Equipment

Anybody Bowfish?


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
My son Travis is working on Building up a Boat he bought for Bowfishing in the Rivers and Bayous. So far he has taken a 14' Tracker Boat and built a front deck and carpeted it. He is going to do the same in the back, only smaller. For lights he is going with a small generator and Halegon lights from Home Depot. We are looking for a small outboard for it now on Ebay.
Who else goes bowfishing? He wanted to run a trapline, but I told him we should not exploit our furry creatures like that. John;)
Bowfishing is a ton of fun. I haven't ever done it from a boat though. We just walk the banks of the river and shoot carp until our arms fall off. A recurve with an AMS retriever reel works like a charm. I just bought a cheap 40# recurve to outfit just for bowfishing.

Post some pics of the boat and get up once your boy is done. Good times!
I just got into bow fishing a few years ago when moving back to the states and LOVE it. We started out going down to Venice on the airboats, but soon one of my buddies, found a great deal on a fan boat like you are talking about. Platform on the front of an 18 Foot Jon boat with the generator and halogen lights. 4 can shoot comfortabl from it. I took some time to get used to shooting low, but the redfish, sheepshead, flounder and the occasional gar is a blast. had to do something with my older PSE and dartons and for less than 20 bucks make them into bow fishing rigs. we go every chance we get and Although many folks in Louisiana are way against it, it is damn fun.
I did not know how much fun it would be until i started and not i am hooked. Just be careful and don't let the string get under your hand. My second time out after a few beers ended up with the nasty tip of an arrow in my gut. Was not funny at the time and you can g=bet your ass I will not make that mistake twice...
He wanted to run a trapline, but I told him we should not exploit our furry creatures like that.

HUH??????? I've been trapping over forty years now. It is the best way to control predators and crop damaging critters. And if you live along the bayous you should no how destructive Nutria are. Furs make beautiful garments and are a renewable resource. Why do you bowfish isn't that exploiting scaley critters? Do you hunt isn't that exploiting tasty critters? And don't give me that old garbage about animals chewing legs off IT DON'T HAPPEN!!!!!! Properly done land trapping at most causes an animal minor discomfort and water trapping quickly drowns the animal. Better learn something about trapping before you start ragging on it.
He wanted to run a trapline, but I told him we should not exploit our furry creatures like that.

HUH??????? I've been trapping over forty years now. It is the best way to control predators and crop damaging critters. And if you live along the bayous you should no how destructive Nutria are. Furs make beautiful garments and are a renewable resource. Why do you bowfish isn't that exploiting scaley critters? Do you hunt isn't that exploiting tasty critters? And don't give me that old garbage about animals chewing legs off IT DON'T HAPPEN!!!!!! Properly done land trapping at most causes an animal minor discomfort and water trapping quickly drowns the animal. Better learn something about trapping before you start ragging on it.

Why do you need to control predators?
SGP, That is an inside joke started by some of us to relieve the bordom of dealing with Jose, who didn't see what trapping was about or he just wanted to stink up a thread. John
i use to do it alot more when i lived on the sabine and by the trinity river in texas for gator gar but i still go after carp here in idaho just not as fun in my opinion
Jose Ask that question to Ducks Unlimited. An high population of predators and a coon is a predator can drastically effect the populations of ducks, geese, rabbits, turkeys, and many other animals. Also when populations become too high disease spreads like wildfire through the population higher yet starvation sets in. Just as hunting is used to manage sustainable levels trapping is the best way to manage furbearers. And its not just furbearers four years ago the survival rate of young ducks and geese dropped to almost zero on a nearby pond. I finally figured out what was going on. And went to work on the problem. From a two acre pond I trapped thirty snapping turtles in excess of twenty pounds. Had a mess of fried turtle and turtle soup. Plenty of baby ducks and geese the last two years made it to adulthood and this year is looking good too.
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