Kenetrek Boots

Any Sheds?

The older bucks in Central MT that live around 5000' drop in mid-December. I haven't seen a whitetail with an antler since early January in fact. On 3 hikes I have struck out on brown sheds though. Now to wait for the snow to melt... Again...
Coming to a winter range near you.................


GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. - In an effort to reduce stress and the disturbance of wintering big game animals, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission adopted a new regulation in January that limits shed antler collecting in portions of Eagle, Pitkin, Garfield, and Routt counties, effective March 1, 2015.

The new rule prohibits the collection of shed antlers in game management units 25, 26, 35, 36, 43, 44, 47, 444,and 471 from Jan. 1 through March 14, and only between the hours of 10 a.m. and sunset, March 15 through May 15. For a map of Colorado's GMUs, go to

"Available winter range in this area is being reduced due to increases in the human population, development, and outdoor recreation," said CPW's Northwest Regional Manager Ron Velarde. "If they are pressured during the cold weather months, big game animals here have no place else to go to find food, so it is critical that people cooperate and respect the regulation to prevent animal mortality due to starvation."

Similar restriction are already in place in game management units 54, 55, 66, 67 and 551 in Gunnison County, instituted several years ago to protect Gunnison sage-grouse and big game animals.

"Violators may be fined and assessed points against their hunting and fishing privileges,' said Velarde.

Each year, male ungulates grow antlers used for display and battles with competitors during the fall mating season. By mid to late winter, the antlers begin falling off naturally and the process begins anew.

During late winter into early spring, considered the prime collecting period, shed hunters fan out across the state in search of fresh antlers that artisans use to make furniture, knife handles and other art projects, or are sold to make dog treats and other creations. Often involving large groups or entire families, the practice is becoming more popular across the country and Colorado.

Wildlife officials believe most collectors are conscientious and careful, but concerns arise when some search for sheds on noisy, fast-moving ATVs and off-road vehicles. In addition, a growing number of collectors use dogs trained to find shed antlers. When allowed to run off-leash, many of these dogs chase deer and elk, occasionally causing severe injuries and extreme stress.

Running from noise and dogs adds to the difficult conditions the animals already endure during winter months.

"That's just about the worst thing that can happen to them," said Area Wildlife Manager Perry Will of Glenwood Springs. "Any unnecessary movement during the cold weather months causes big game to use up their fat stores very quickly and there's little chance of replenishing it. This situation leads to their death, or the deaths of their unborn calves and fawns due to poor body condition."

Wildlife managers remind shed hunters that keeping their distance from wintering big game is the most effective way to prevent animal stress and mortality. Even searching for antlers on foot or horseback can create stressful conditions for wildlife, they say.

"We understand that people enjoy hunting sheds, but we ask everyone to be legal and ethical," said Will. "The best option is to follow the laws and keep your distance, and maybe wait until big game has moved to summer range to begin looking for sheds."

Colorado Parks and Wildlife urges anyone that observes illegal activity to contact their local wildlife officer, or to remain anonymous, contact Operation Game Thief at 877-265-6648. Rewards are available for information that leads to a citation.

For more information about the new shed collection restrictions, contact Colorado Parks and Wildlife's Glenwood Springs office at 970-947-2920.

For more information about living with wildlife, go to


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Been out with the my daughter a couple times...... shes found 2 (with a little help from dad) and i have only found one POS whitey shed.Been pretty slow around here and out east where i used to find quite a few. Blue Tongue took em out pretty good, Gonna take a couple more years for them to come around again. Most of the whitetail have dropped around Billings and the surrounding areas. Gonna head east and give it a whirl for some deer sheds. Got some awesome pictures of four or five different bull moose on the cameras and i have them with horns and without. I tried looking with some snow on the ground but no success. So i will give it another shot. Good luck to all.
couple more from yesterday
I found 2 so far, a small 4pt brown whitey north of Missoula, and a decent 4pt whitey from last year. I got 2 bucks on the trail cam that lost theirs so far, so I'm going to have to do some combo fencing and shed hunting on my place this week
Dad and I have found 18 so far, up until everything got covered with about 10-12 of snow and ice here in Ohio. We were finding 3-4 every time we went out. When the snow melts, the woods are going to be awful busy around here!
Picked up 5 fresh whitetail antlers this past weekend. I think things are just starting to get going around here.
in iowa here there have been a lot of antlers hit the ground in the last week or two. Only found a couple but have been watching a couple of groups with antlerlees bucks, just don't have permission to look where they bed. Seams like there will always be someone see one with headgear in early april.
Apparently the picture of the big one wont work danggit but here are a few I've picked up so far all whites nothing brown yet.:)


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topped 75 last week. mostly whitetails but a few old mule deer sheds. Nothing real big but a few nice ones.
Found this one over the weekend, want to get back out hopefully this weekend and check some places. The photo doesn't show but has pretty good mass.

Did set a new farm record of four armadillos in one day.

Saw a great elk shed, but its on private property. Probably 500 yds from our boundary, but in the way way back where no one goes, in the middle of nowhere.

I left it - did not fence jump, but man it was tempting.

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