Taking a 10-day, ~ 3,000 mile road trip with my bride-to-be for our honeymoon in a couple weeks. We originally wanted to swing up through Coeur d'Alene and Glacier NP, but with the post-covid crowds and reservation systems we decided to table that until next summer and cut our trip a little bit short.
This route is pretty much set as I have booked most motels/campsites at our stops already, but wanted to check with the HT community if there are any must sees along this route that I may be overlooking?
We don't have much for plans other than hiking, fishing and wildlife viewing at this time so any suggestions are appreciated!

This route is pretty much set as I have booked most motels/campsites at our stops already, but wanted to check with the HT community if there are any must sees along this route that I may be overlooking?
We don't have much for plans other than hiking, fishing and wildlife viewing at this time so any suggestions are appreciated!