Any Montana bulls down?

Got into them this morning and they were bugling good. Tried to pull one with a broken third to me and started hearing deep grunting from the top of a knoll and a monster 6x6 poked his head out... Came in grabbed 10 cows and took off. I followed him and crept within 50 yards but got busted by a cow. Ended up chasing him for a couple miles but had no luck... GPS said I did 8 miles total in 6 hours, I'm beat to hell...
Hell of a bull MontanaWild. Congrats. Good luck to all you still out there. Awful hot out still. mtmuley
Great bull Travis!!! After watching your video before the season you sure deserve a lunker like that
Nice bull Wild! Did you guys get any video footage of it?

I've checked out most of your fishing videos. Gotta say I really enjoy them, especially anything shot north of 200!
Congrats on a really nice bull. I would have a permenent smile if I whacked one like that!

You could have washed him off though. Or maybe you should have rolled in the wallow with him! ;)
Hunted for a couple of days in the White Sulphur area. Hot temps,bad flies until dark.Bulls were too quiet,not a squeal,grunt.I bumped two groups of bulls in the timber.Sometime soon these guys will be a little more interested in something other than a bologna picnic.:hump:
Hunted for a couple of days in the White Sulphur area. Hot temps,bad flies until dark.Bulls were too quiet,not a squeal,grunt.I bumped two groups of bulls in the timber.Sometime soon these guys will be a little more interested in something other than a bologna picnic.:hump:

The Big Belts were hotter than Hades, the flies and yellow jackets were awful, The bulls were doing their lazy bedded bugle thing and only a few were moving around. I walked in on this guy and he happened to give me a shot, so I took it. Shot him on Thursday and spent yesterday and today cussing the above. Did I mention the flies were really bad?
