PEAX Equipment

Any luck in the Maine Moose Lottery for the HT crowd?

My buddy drew a cow tag and I’m on his subcommittee. Anybody done that before? We’d be coming from Michigan and it’s the Allagash region.
Hunted that unit in 2001 and my friend got a cow the last day on his either sex tag. Lots of pa'tridge that year so that added more fun to our cruising around. We used a guide that a friend of ours who had a lodge set us up with. We rented a camp which was cozy and made for easier logistics.
My buddy drew a cow tag and I’m on his subcommittee. Anybody done that before? We’d be coming from Michigan and it’s the Allagash region.
You mean subpermittee. :ROFLMAO: As long as you are with him it's legal for you to shoot. Better ask him first!