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Any Lawyers in the house?


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Jan 22, 2003

IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability

Posted: July 26, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Internal Revenue Service has lost a lawyer's challenge in front of a jury to prove a constitutional foundation for the nation's income tax, and the victorious attorney now is setting his sights higher.

"I think now people are beginning to realize that this has got to be the largest fraud, backed up by intimidation and extortion and by the sheer force of taking peoples property and hard-earned money without any lawful authorization whatsoever," lawyer Tom Cryer told WND just days after a jury in Louisiana acquitted him of two criminal tax counts.

And before you consign him to the legions of "tin foil hat brigades" who argue against paying taxes, and then want payment to explain how to do that, he addresses the issue up front.

These snake oil peddlers have conned millions of dollars out of many well-intended patriots and left a trail of broken lives in their wake. … These charlatans should be avoided, not only because they will lead you to bankruptcy and prison, but because by association they discredit those who are telling the truth," he said.

The truth, he said, is where he comes in, with the launch of a new Truth Attack website that is intended to build on his victory, and create a coalition of resources to defeat – ultimately – the income tax in the United States.

The logo for the new Truth Attack campaign against income taxes

Although the legal citations in the case tend to run the length of paragraphs, Newsbusters explained the substance of his arguments against the federal income tax this way:

Quite simply, he proved that the definition of Income as defined by the Supreme Court is NOT income from our labor, but rather things like interest and profit. You CANNOT tax a person's labor because it is a God-given right that we may work to support ourselves.
If I charge you $500 to fix your toilet, what part of that is profit or capital gain? The answer: You cannot decipher. Therefore, you cannot tax something that is considered an equal exchange on labor. You fix my toilet, I give you $500. It is quite simple.

If ever such an argument were to be presented widely, Cryer said, the income to the federal government would plummet. But not to worry, he said, the expenses could be reduced equally by eliminating programs, departments and agencies that also have no foundation in the Constitution.

"The Founding Fathers intentionally restricted the taxing powers of the new federal government as a measure of restraint on its size. By exceeding that limited taxing authority the federal government has been able to obtain resources beyond its intended reach, and that money has enabled the federal government to exceed its authority," he said.

For example, he said, the Constitution does not empower the federal government to regulate education, or employment, and agriculture, yet it does so.

The jury in U.S. District Court in Louisiana voted 12-0 to find Cryer, of Shreveport, not guilty of failure to file income taxes for two years. He had been indicted in 2006 on charges of failing to pay $73,000 to the IRS in 2000 and 2001. The next step in his personal case will be up to the IRS and prosecutors, if they choose to continue the issue, he said.

But for the rest of the nation, he's working with Save-a-Patriot, the Free Enterprise Society, Live Free Now and his own Lie Free Zone to spread the message of the truth.

"There are three points that are important," he told WND. "There's no law making the average working man liable [for income taxes], there's no law or regulation that allows the IRS to contend that earnings are 100 percent profit received in exchange for nothing, and the right to earn a living through any lawful occupation is a constitutionally protected fundamental right, and it is exempt from taxation."

Spokesman Robert Marvin in Washington's IRS office told WND the Internal Revenue Code provides for taxation on salaries or wages, but when pressed for a specific citation, or constitutional provision, he said, "I can't comment."

Cryer's encounter with tax law began more than a decade ago when a friend told him the income tax was sham. Cryer started researching, hoping to keep his friend out of trouble. But his conclusions, after years of research, were exactly what his friend told him.

He researched not only tax laws, but also the documents pertaining to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution as well as the first income tax.

He said throughout his battle, he's offered at every turn to pay taxes if the IRS could show him the authorization, and that never has happened.

"The Criminal Investigation Division and Department of Justice both responded only with 'your position is frivolous.' I had never stated a position, so how could they know whether it was frivolous?" he said. "Imagine my sending you a bill for $1,000 and when you call me and ask what the bill was for I simply said, 'that position is frivolous, just write the check and send it in.'"

His acquittal, he said, was a precedent because it means "people can see and recognize the truth."
This is a point of contetion that I know I've heard about for probably 25 years pertaining to exactly this topic

I wonder if this really gained momentum and things started following the constitution a little closer as is the way it should be, how many guys on this board would have to find another job?
Well, all I can say is that the tax code is a completely different animal. I took a tax course in law school, and the book we used was just selected sections of the tax code. It was still the biggest book I had out of all my classes. I will stick with the criminal code - much easier to understand.
I think the Labor aspect has some is interesting that the I.R.S. is dodging the Question?

It would sure be a good thing if this flies and Tom Cryer gets off without any penalty[ so far he has]... Elkchsr this is different from those other Quack tax evasion schemes that your refering to... this withstood the jury.
but to try and re-do how taxes are collected at this time can be a disaster. Although i would like to see things change, such as paying taxes on selling something that you paid taxes for already when new, and sold it for less (like a car or anything that is sold used for less than you bought it for)
I understand CJ

One of the reasons it hasn't worked for others (seeing as the concept and rules are the same) is if some one sets presedence with the IRS on some thing like this and it goes public, there could be an awful lot of soul searching by the IRS to rectify their system...

But we will have to wait and see
HUMmmmmmmmm that Reminds me that I still owe the IRS some Papers in the Audit I'm gonig through.....|oo |oo
Well when you think about it.... How many Americans have money left over at the end of the year?....If someone lives on what they earn and there is nothing left... why should any be taxable?.....Yes some should as we have to fund the as you go? flat tax? that would seem fair to everyone.... no deduction! why should a guy with 5 kids pay less than a guy with 0 kids?....if they both make 50k I say tax them the same.....

In the end the government spenders would love it, theoretically it should bring in far more than the current situation

But at the moment, it would delete most of the employees out of one of the largest employers in the nation

So they protect it tooth and nail and beat the hell (figuratively speaking) out of any one who questions their motives and many who don't to keep the masses controlled...
Elk, in your earlier post I had the thought of rectify having a whole new meaning when talking about the IRS.

I am actually in favor of doing away with the income tax, and setting a national sales tax of some sort. It would be nice to collect something out of all of the illegal funds people are bringing in. You know, like illegal drugs, illegal gambling, illegal dirtbags jumping the border and ignoring every law we have so they can work for cash paying nothing for the honor of being here but using all of the resources that my mork pays for (for you cj, thought you would like it). Those types of illegal money.
You know, like illegal drugs, illegal gambling, illegal dirtbags jumping the border and ignoring every law we have so they can work for cash paying nothing for the honor of being here

I don't think any one has came up with this answer as of yet

But I would say your right with a national sales tax getting some of the money back you mentioned above

This problem has been a thorn in any governments’ side since the dawn of time and I'm guessing a lot of people have delved into it trying to figure a way around this problem

Some countries just kill any one caught in these activities, but I'm not thinking this country would buy into or condone that avenue

But I digress...

What does the illegal element of society have to do with the original post?

Or were you just making a point...

Just curios :)
I don't wish to put people out of work or to reorganize our entire system.
I just want compensated($$$$) for all the $'s stolen from me. If it were a CEO he would have to compensate me...
OK, so it bankrupts our country, hungry people work hard, work sets you free!
Nickster, It could be accomplished without much interuption, if done properly... say I.R.S decides 2-5 years from now .. No more deductions and they just take out a set rate 17-20% to get it started... then work everything out from there.....flat tax % or work into a national sales tax...


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