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Any hockey fans out there?

I feel bad for austin mathews. Poor guy, hasnt won the critical game yet. Hell of a talent. I think the US hockey is trending the right way. Look at the last ten years in the world junior tournament compared to thirty years ago. The amount guys playing from all over the country and the development program in michigan is having an affect. In 1988 I was invited to the Olympic training center in CO Springs for select 17 and select 16 junior national try out for teams to compete in a tournament in Germany. I was competeing in the select 17s, invited from bob johnson and art burgland and the try out ran by Andy Moog. I was the only kid from the western US. Minnesota, Michigan, and the North East represented 95 percent. Today there are guys playing in the nation league from states all over the US. The population size (350 million to 45 million) and the opportunity to play hockey offers a high percentages of athletic kids to chose hockey only benefits the US.

The one thing I found funny about the critics talking about last nights game, is how tough the Americans were and how skilled and finess the Canadians are. (yes know how talented Mcdavid, Mackinnon and Makar are) But I had to chuckle thinking how Don Cherry is pulling his hair out over an analysis like this. I mean hockey is Canadian and and fighting in hockey is Canadian. or so I thought after spending three in bc playing junior hockey and my first trip to Saskatchewan playing midget AAA.
I have to be honest in my hockey reactions......... I think bobby orr is the greatest hockey player ever. I am a avs fan and think makar is really close. I love the game and have great stories from my personnel experience. What I love the most is when the power play gains the zone and sets up....(All pp are bob johson influenced).... its the umbrella ..... badger bob! ooooooh i have a story about Mr., It is agreat day for hockey
Awesome tradition. We could all use some positive examples these days of how to respect your opponents.
My wife and I were talking yesterday about the games and just hockey in general. We were talking about why hockey is so prevalent in our lives now compared to when we first started dating 15 years ago. We went from a couple that watched a bit of Olympics and the finals to this year we have only missed watching 1 game of our team, flew to Vegas to watch them, will drive 6 hours to watch them play in St. Paul and are going to for sure be buying tickets to watch them play regardless of cost if they make the finals.

The handshake came up as one of the reasons. Sportsmanship in general actually as the handshake is just one example. Sort of ironic for a league that still has legit punch to the face as a core part of the game.

Hockey players are tough, they represent their teams well, no egos and of course talented. None of the other sports in America I think even come close anymore.
Back from self-imposed hiatus. Hell of a game and this win couldn't have come at a better time. I'm extremely proud of our team and our country. 🇨🇦

In the words of a great Canadian, Hayley Wickenheiser:

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