any experience with scent-loc suits ?

Some folks will swear by them and even quote an instance when it worked for them, usually there is another reason for there success rather than it being the suit! its like anything else, if you think it will help then buy it! i know guys that have them i havent seen any difference in success!
dont be fooled into beliveing that it will solve all your scent problems because it wont! this i know for a fact!!!

please keep in mind this is my opinion, and we all know about opinions

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
I am not gonna say that it is 100% effective (the scientist in me won't let me make that mistake). But I will say that since I got mine three years ago that I have spoked very few deer when wearing it and even if they approach from downwind. I will say that if you are gassy your friends will like you better. It DOES kill the smell.
I would probably have to agree with both replys. I absolutely believe they work and work well. I have had dear directly downwind and not smell me and then romoved a portion, and they winded me immediately. I can't say for sure that is why, but it looks like they work to me.

But when they say forget the wind, just hunt. I say WRONG. I wear one to hopefully conceal my scent in case of a wind swirl, or something like that, but you have to hunt in preferable wind conditions.
Think of it as a charcoal respirator like used for painting. The charcoal filter traps the fumes so you get clean air. I bought one this year and glad I did. Works great!
raghorn, thats interesting have you tried any other "tests" or has anyone tried any experiments with the suit!! im very curious!!

what is it that has convinced you that it works???

and do you think the results would have been different without the suit????

also what version do you have is it just the scent lock suit or is it incorporated into clothing????

very interested in responses, because they are on sale!!!!!! thanks!!

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison

[This message has been edited by DKO (edited 01-23-2001).]
not really JB, i was hopeing for more input from guys that have them!!!! the test thing would have been interesting !!!! oh well!!

hey how was alabama ???

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
Maybe they will reply later !
Good Idea.

the hunt in Alabama was great!
The buck I was after will live another year,
But i did get 6 does and the heaviest buck we have taken up there in 10 years!
I forgot to age the jawbone, but he
weighed 210 pounds. We usually get one or 2 a season that weigh 180.
He was horny & stupid & chasing a doe!
JB ,sounds like ya had good time any pics of that brute!! buck! ,thats a heavy deer! was that a dressed wieght or live?, either way he sounds big! By the sounds of it, looks like the freezer is good and full till next year!! way to go bud!!!!

that other buck will just keep that desire burning for another year! whenever that happens i kill the crap out-them when im practicing for the up-comming year! seems all my targets resemble the one that got away or the one i screwed up on!

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
Hey guys,

To answer some questions. That is the only testing I have done, although I have done if on a few occasions(does only). Of course, that type of testing is very unscientific and I haven't done it that frequently, but enough to give myself confidence that they work.

I have both the liners and the clothing. I had one of the Scent Loc suits first. Then I bought the Browning hydro fleece with the scent sorb in it. This year, I got one of the Scent Blocker liners to replace my Scent Loc as it was four years old. Just wanted to try something new.

I will say this about a test. When I bought the browning stuff, they send a piece of their scent absorbing material and a card with really strong cedar scent on it. Their scent absorbing material is much different than in the Scent Loc, and you can easily see through it. But when you placed it on top of the cedar scent, you could not smell it at all. It was pretty impressive.

Thats all I know for now.
I realized I didn't answer a couple of questions from DKO.

I guess the experiments I mentioned convinced me they work.

But one other thing. For the most part, I only wear the liner, as my browning suit is extreme conditions, which we haven't had lately.

Therefore, the system is worthless if you don't take care of your outer clothing and gear. Especially for those bucks. If you take care to be scent free, treat your outer clothing properly and your gear, then I definately think they can help.
thanks Raghorn, the browning stuff sounds really good, is the scent blocker liner the browning product ????? it sounds somewhat breathable as well ??? im gonna check this stuff out !!!

my buddy told me i was moron for not using it and that i would like it, so im gonna try it! he was really sold on the "scent lock" product after a bear hunt we did together!

im gald you added that i was gonna ask about them being warm to wear, we usually are hunting in 80-90 degree weather so being to hot would be an issue!

the liner sounds like the ticket!!!
thanks again raghorn and keep us posted!!!!

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison

[This message has been edited by DKO (edited 01-30-2001).]
Photo's will be back thursday or tomorrow!
That was live weight, he looked like a BULL!

I'll be all over that target shortly !

So you are impressed?
Which would you buy if you had none already?


The Scent Blocker liner I just got is made by a company named Scent Shield. If you look in a Cabelas magazine, they sell both. I think those are the only two out there.

The one I had before, the Scent Loc, was hot. Ideally, you would put that and your outer clothing at your stand.

However, that was four years old. This year, I got a new Scent Blocker, and my brother got a new Scent Loc. I think they have both made great advances regarding breathability etc.

JB...I am impressed, but I honestly can't say which one I would buy because I haven't used the new one yet. They are both much advanced over the one I have used. They have more breathability to retain less heat, and have zippers on the shirts, which is MUCH better because you can leave them open while walking so you don't get so hot and they are much easier to put on than the pull overs, especially if you have a layer or two on underneath.

The Scent Loc, if you buy the kit, comes with a head cover, the Scent BLocker does not.

The Scent Blocker is a couple of dollars more also. As to which is better? I don't know. Sorry to ramble on.hehehe

thanks again Raghorn i appreciate the in-sight im gonna have to get one and try it!!!

i know i got busted a couple times last year bear hunting so i think this just might be the answer, who knows, but a bears nose would be a good test!!!!

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
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