Kenetrek Boots

Any CO bulls down?

Nevermind, an arse is an arse! A play by play text style!

Oak- Giant
Dink- Oh man is his time short?
Dink- He makes me shake at work
Oak- 492 yards
Oak- Ha..just saw his other side. Completely lame
Oak- I would still shoot
Dink- Long poke can’t get closer?
Oak- Moving in, but he will have to help
Oak- Bedded with another buck. Does moved down to creek, so hoping he follows.
Dink- I can’t stand it!!!!
Oak- Nother buck coming down the draw chasing a doe hard. Not a shooter
Oak- 392 now
Oak- Rutty buck and doe passed below them about 75 yards, then dropped down into the creek. At 225 before they went out of sight. Hope these bucks get up and follow
Oak- Buck isn’t as big as I thought, but really nice. 334 now
Dink- Ahhhhhhhhh!!
Oak- 295. Getting set up and waiting him out
Dink- Double Ahhhhhhhhh!
Oak- Spotter sideways in front of me, pack under elbow. Waiting……..
Dink- Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Dink- I’m gonna barf
Oak- I will if I miss
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Oak- Done barfing. Heading back out
Dink- What happened?
Oak- I missed
Dink- Are you f*$&$&$ with me?
Dink- I’m in a fragile state here
Oak- _____ times
Dink- Oh my
Oak- I really wish I was F*&^$^$_@ with you
Dink- Gotta go to bathroom

Please fill in the blank!
A pessimist might say horsechit...and optimist sees a pony.

"Oak's Redemption" for the win.

This is fun when you know Oak can't respond!

Oak- I neglected to tell you until now that when I got out at the trailhead and opened my passenger door, my rifle fell out
Dink- No way I would have hiked up trail after that
Dink- I need a breath fresher
Oak- Sometimes lessons are very very painful
Dink- How big?
Oak- 29” one really good side, screwed up but cool other side
Oak- I really have no idea how big he was. Giant body compared to the 2.5 year old buck next to him

Silence @ 4:16pm Mountain Standard time……………………………..
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Too much!
I missed this thread the first go-round, thanks for bringing it back!
Great story, great bull, awesome pictures, and even better write up!
I'd like to know your secret to getting close to any game with the foot odor problem that you've talked about? And poor Oak!

Keep it coming...
This is fun when you know Oak can't respond!

Oak- I neglected to tell you until now that when I got out at the trailhead and opened my passenger door, my rifle fell out
Dink- No way I would have hiked up trail after that
Dink- I need a breath fresher
Oak- Sometimes lessons are very very painful
Dink- How big?
Oak- 29” one really good side, screwed up but cool other side
Oak- I really have no idea how big he was. Giant body compared to the 2.5 year old buck next to him

Silence @ 4:16pm Mountain Standard time……………………………..

4:35pm Mountain Standard time...

Oak-Sometimes you miss for a reason.
Dink-Oh man!
Nothing really to post about, Oak took a "meat" buck on the way out and was very satisfied with the hunt. You can't win them all.


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I have not seen that. Are you saying there are some photo shopped pics out on the web? I did see a Bowsite thread about that this fall.
Originally Posted by Dinkshooter:
Nothing really to post about, Oak took a "meat" buck on the way out was very satisfied with the hunt. You can't win them all.

Got a funny feeling (and it's not in my pants) that's BS...
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