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Any CO bulls down?

Good stuff guys. A little disappointed there was no hero shots with the gun on the elk rack and a cig hanging from your mouth though. I guess there's always next year.

X2 - I found myself scrolling ahead to all the pics, waiting to see the classic pose with the cig hanging from his mouth. Maybe he has it, but is just holding out for the appropriate time to post it up.
Wish I had something good to add to this thread.

I threw in the towel this morning. Weather has served us a full plate this year. Early season was frustrated with the monsoon flooding, which gave us washed out roads and white knuckle creek crossings. Late season gave us 14" of snow at 12500 feet, a collapsed tent, and all night fun of digging out my truck of the mud.

#1 my 16 year old son did get a shot opening day on a cow, but a twig deflected the shot.
#2 Mid season I pulled my 8 year old son out of school for a morning of local elk hunting. We called in two raghorn bulls to 15 yards. He's hooked.
#3 located a really big bull, and never saw him again.
#4 located a really big bear, but found myself without a bear tag. Called a friend and the next evening he center punched a bomber chocolate bear.

#5 Acquired some Swaro binos...they are delicious
Great story! You guys had too much fun to end up with a nice bull like that. Big Fin needs to figure out how to capture a story like that for a TV episode. Congratulations to both of you!
I somehow missed this but congrats to Dink on a great bull. Still before I die I want to go on a hunt you. I think it would be a blast (at least for me):eek::
BTW what pack were you using? That didn't look like the "Hearse"
Quote: Originally Posted by smalls When you're the guy on the rear of the ATV and your hands get cold said:
yes but you never talk about it again.

What I told a couple buddy's who were riding double is I asked a group oif hunters if they had seem "Two men in Love" ride by. :eek: That is my new term for when guys ride double. :rolleyes:
Dink thanks for resurrecting this thread. I just got caught up on the hijinks. You and Oak seem like my kinda people...

no, no not the double riding quad dogging...the hard hunting, gonna make the worst of a good situation, and laugh about it kinda folks.

Thanks for the grins!
...screenplay in the works.:hump:

Not much of one although I was just reading back through a text exchange that is pretty darn funny.

Oak may be out of service range today, I'll let him defend his stance without further insults from me!

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