Any car salesmen here?

Maybe this will help while you wait...

I don’t what you are looking for but there we some great car buying videos on the tube.
It was an inherited title question for my wife’s Explorer I got in her will. I asked my local dealer about it and with all of the hassle involved with using it for a future trade I just went and transferred it to me. Now I'm just going to wait until the new title comes before starting to look for a used truck. It was a kick in the nuts having to pay $331 at the DMV to change a vehicle over to me that was for all purposes already mine to begin with!

Thanks for the replies and the PMs about it.
That is the reason my wife and I always put both our names and the word OR on all the titles for our vehicles and trailers and our home.
You never know what may happen in the future and that would be one less hassle for one of us.
Did you ever think about a wig and some makeup? It may have been cheaper to add your hubby "Dave's" name to the title rather than cough up $331? ;)

PS....My best two bait sites loaded with goodies yesterday, each with two trial cams so we should have pictures soon. Clay and daughter at our usual camp spot. More as it happens......

Take care buddy,
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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