Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Antifa, Anarchists and the public lands.

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Cwitherow, I just feel that a designated subject should be confined to that, there is no room in public schools for politics such as the ‘white privilege’ or the 1619 Project. When children in grade school are subject to such, indoctrination is possibly the thought. I am sure there are Pros and Cons in thinking on this matter and I lean toward the con side. I am sure there are others leaning the other way.
Being a middle school band director, I do not have intimate knowledge of the specific curriculum of our social studies department. I do know they have spent a lot of time, this year especially, in keeping any conversation civil. At this age, much of what kids say is simply repeated from what they hear at home.

From an actual teacher and not rhetoric hearsay.
With my content area and age level, these conversations rarely happen. When students ask or make political statements, I simply tell them this is band not social studies. That seems to suffice most students, even the high school students I work with. There is a time and place for students to engage in political conversations, my class just isn't one of them.
Being a middle school band director, I do not have intimate knowledge of the specific curriculum of our social studies department. I do know they have spent a lot of time, this year especially, in keeping any conversation civil. At this age, much of what kids say is simply repeated from what they hear at home.
I would much prefer that what kids say, is heard at home, hopefully from informed adults and not from friends of their own age ! Even that is not a guarantee of correctness, but certainly a step up the ladder ! As a parent, I would hope that everyone who is involved with schools and education, would take it upon themselves to know what is involved in the curriculum that is being spoon fed to students. Educators can/do have a huge hand in what is influencing our kids !
I would much prefer that what kids say, is heard at home, hopefully from informed adults and not from friends of their own age ! Even that is not a guarantee of correctness, but certainly a step up the ladder ! As a parent, I would hope that everyone who is involved with schools and education, would take it upon themselves to know what is involved in the curriculum that is being spoon fed to students. Educators can/do have a huge hand in what is influencing our kids !
Parents are far more guilty of indoctrination than teachers. As a parent, if your kids don't believe what you're teaching them, but choose to believe their teacher instead, that's not the teachers fault. You're either not making a compelling case, or you're wrong, or both.
I also stand firm in my belief that Kraft singles that are individually wrapped reign supreme in the grilled cheese world. I also sometimes think I have less taste buds than everyone else...
You want some next level cheese action?

Add a slice of kraft cheese to your ez mac.
Parents are far more guilty of indoctrination than teachers. As a parent, if your kids don't believe what you're teaching them, but choose to believe their teacher instead, that's not the teachers fault. You're either not making a compelling case, or you're wrong, or both.
Sharpen up your reading comprehension. Nothing was said about not believing a teacher.
Put the heat on medium and put a cover over the grill cheese (y)

This folks is what happens when you eat too many lead bullets
Split shot, not bullets. Get your facts straight. And it's really freaking annoying that every time I go through the TSA check point at an airport the place lights up light a Christmas tree and I get a colonoscopy.
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