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Antifa, Anarchists and the public lands.

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Mass drivers, i was going to say mass holes but changed my mind, tend drive slightly more Courteously then NJ grandmothers over the age of 72.
I mean it's literally a demonym listed on the states Wikipedia page so...


I drove into Manhattan 1 time... it was enough.
I mean it's literally a demonym listed on the states Wikipedia page so...

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I drove into Manhattan 1 time... it was enough.

Driving in Manhatten is a rush like no other, trying to find parking lead me to depths of despair I wish to never see again.
Driving in Manhatten is a rush like no other, trying to find parking lead me to depths of despair I wish to never see again.
the secret to parking in a city is to find a garage and walk or get a cab the rest of the way
Not going that far. I can only comment on what was done. Not their character. I have the same observations about GOP Senators from Utah and a political party whose Platform includes a plank calling for the divestiture of the Public Lands.

I would not have been surprised if I had seen a “Q” painted there either.

Just really disgusted.
“Not their character” ! I think that is exactly what is driving their actions. It sure is not their love of the nation !!
I don’t know much... obviously... but I know the list of people who have gotten a ticket in NYC and driven an elk out of the hills in Montana with the same Corolla is pretty short.
I think your Crola is a crime scene
Being a teacher, I suppose you decided on that profession for a reason. Thus, you should have the answer to your own question !
You are so correct. I am a science teacher. I teach laws and theories based upon known facts. I do not teach opinions. I also teach students respect. Respect yourself, others and the environment you’re in. I teach students to respect others opinions, by respectfully asking for the reasoning that led to it. Sometimes the answers aren’t clear. Sometimes facts are incomplete. Students learn to be right, wrong, and not to have an answer. Students learn that it isn’t about being right, or winning. We also learn that the truth changes as new facts arise. We all win with the truth. Thanks for pointing that out. 🍻 Cheers!
Yes or Antifa being Antifa
Or... a proud boy posing as an OAN reporter interviewing Peter Pan dressed up as a grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan about how the Twin Towers were actually knocked down by magical socialist unicorn farts in an attempt to bring radical communism raining down upon our great country in a crash of glitter!? Let’s ditch the conspiracy theories and enjoy some good huntin’ talk. It brings us together.
Little piece of advice, I'd take a look at the state driver's manual. Rules can vary state to state. I believe we all tend to think U.S. driving laws are uniform, false.

For instance.

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I believe that is called the Jersey shuffle.

I grew up in south Jersey right outside of Philadelphia. Competitive driving is the name of the game. A couple years ago on a trip back from NM we entered the western end of the PA turnpike and later exited onto 76 in the greater Philadelphia area. The toll booth operator after seeing we have driven the entire turnpike made a point to let us know that the area is known for very aggressive driving and to be careful. I kind of just nodded and said, yes mam I'm from here..
You are so correct. I am a science teacher. I teach laws and theories based upon known facts. I do not teach opinions. I also teach students respect. Respect yourself, others and the environment you’re in. I teach students to respect others opinions, by respectfully asking for the reasoning that led to it. Sometimes the answers aren’t clear. Sometimes facts are incomplete. Students learn to be right, wrong, and not to have an answer. Students learn that it isn’t about being right, or winning. We also learn that the truth changes as new facts arise. We all win with the truth. Thanks for pointing that out. 🍻 Cheers!
I thank you for bringing me up to date on your thoughts as a teacher. I have known several who did not meet your apparent principals, and we need more that meet your standards ! With the liberal concept in today’s classroom, it appears that much of present teaching is more than a little slanted to the progressive structure of thought. But then, I am of the older generation and know that things have changed much in my time, and I suppose education procedures have not stood still. Thanks again !!
I thank you for bringing me up to date on your thoughts as a teacher. I have known several who did not meet your apparent principals, and we need more that meet your standards ! With the liberal concept in today’s classroom, it appears that much of present teaching is more than a little slanted to the progressive structure of thought. But then, I am of the older generation and know that things have changed much in my time, and I suppose education procedures have not stood still. Thanks again !!
Not to pull a "Jersey shuffle" on this thread, but could you elaborate on the part of your post in bold? Not trying to debate or judge, I genuinely want to know more on your thinking.
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