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Antelope...Lets See Them!!!

Girls Rule.......2013

Day before.
Paige02 - Copy.jpg
Paige03 - Copy.jpg

Opening Day. Paige notching her first big-game tag on her first big-game hunt.
Paige05 - Copy.jpg
Paige07 - Copy.jpg

Then she filled a doe tag.
Paige14 - Copy.jpg
Paige16 - Copy.jpg

Opening day for Kenz and the buck she took a liking to was 1/2 mile from the legal BLM.
Kenz06 - Copy.jpg
Kenz12 - Copy.jpg

Day 2 he made a mistake. 16 3/8 on the left side. 15 7/8 on the right. Grossed 82 1/8 :)

Back from the taxidermist.

So much for helping dad spot one for his tag....................
Paige01 - Copy.jpg

Bob and Jim hunted with us and Jim took this super buck. 16 4/8 tall 84 3/8 gross....
Jim and Bob - Copy.jpg

Hunt WITH your kids now so you don't have to hunt FOR them later.
Montana 2011


Montana 2012


Montana 2013


Wyoming 2013

Some of my Wyoming bucks over the years starting with a 17 incher from the 80's followed by a pic with my girls on one of our "family" antelope hunts.

17 incher 001.jpg

Kids and antelope.jpg

Jeff's buck I 001.jpg

1996 antelope.jpg

Jeff 1999 antelope 001.jpg

Jeff antelope.jpg
My 'once in a lifetime' antelope, an 87" freak, mass, prongs, length(16 6/8) and ivory tips. Spent five straight days chasing him around with my bow .
2004 freak.jpg

Jeff's 2006 Ant..jpg

Jeff wy buck.jpg
JM77 - that's quite a collection of awesome bucks, notably that freak! Do you have anymore photos of that thing? Unreal! Was that buck also from Wyoming somewhere?
JM77 - that's quite a collection of awesome bucks, notably that freak! Do you have anymore photos of that thing? Unreal! Was that buck also from Wyoming somewhere?

Yes, I took him near Casper in an area my family and I hunt every year.This buck appeared out of nowhere and wouldn't hold to any particular area. Every mature buck would chase him off, he was constantly moving. That's how I arrowed him; another buck chased him out of his bed and he came right to me!

I was alone and most pictures his head is crooked or right horn is in front of my body, but here's a different angle.

Posting this pic for Randy11, since he has this tag for 2014. I had scouted this unit for a few days, finding some great bucks; this one was my #3 buck. While driving out to a glassing area on the second-to-last morning, he ran across the BLM road with a herd of does.

They stopped down in a little draw. I told my buddy this was the buck I had scouted and one of us need to put a stalk on him. My buddy glassed him and said he was tall and skinny. We argued. I said he was tall, but I wasn't sure on the "skinny part."

Another buddy was coming up the road behind us and his group had one tag left to fill. I flagged them down and asked if Alan wanted to shoot a tall buck.

"Sure, where is he?"

"Follow me."

We headed around the ridge and put the sun at our backs. As we peeked over the small line of sage above the washed out basin, the herd looked our way, but they were unsuspecting of our motives. Alan dropped him at 220 yards with a 25-.06.

When we walked up, Alan was a jubilant as I was deflated. The buck was just over 17" and lower mass was 7.25" average. Yeah, the tops were skinny, but the buck ended up netting 83+/-; can't remember exactly. Terrible field photo for such a nice buck.

Needless to say, Alan and his buddies are always asking me if they can shoot the next buck I pass on. major screw up.


I never did find my first, second, fourth, or fifth ranked bucks before having to leave two days later. Two of them made this guy look rather juvenile.

Good luck, Randy.
Wyoming 2005 - The strangest buck I have shot. Not like some of the ones you guys have posted pics of (Van Franke coming most to mind), but when I saw him, I dropped pursuit of a bigger buck and went after this one. Couldn't get the timer working on my camera, so had to take the pic without me.

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This is kind of a similar one we are waiting to grow up.

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