Another wild elk killed by a game farmer


Dec 23, 2000
A Fort Collins elk rancher contends he was justified in killing a wild bull elk fighting with his domestic elk in October, and he will contest the citations that would impose fines of $2,685.

Dennis and Stephanie White, owners of Velvet Ridge Ranch, have been raising elk south of Horsetooth Reservoir for four years, but this has been the first year they have encountered serious problems with wild elk during rutting season.

Full story, and a nice picture

Evidently they don't have enough space between their double rap fences to keep the animals from coming in contact with the wild animals.
Why are these clown allowed to keep a positive herd alive in open country???? The only danger that wild bull posed was if his family tried to get between it and their freak.
I can understand why he shot the first elk, after all it was hunting season and he was legal to shoot it. From reading the story this guy is trying to prevent the spread of CWD in that area, but he should go about in a different way. If he continues to shoot every wild elk that comes up to his penned elk during the rutting season then there will not be anymore elk in that area for otehrs to hunt. In my opinion he should dispose of the elk in his penned area that have CWD or all of them, move and start over with "fresh" new elk. Either that or can the whole idea of having a wild animal like a heard of elk as house hold pets.
Deer, Elk, Bison, Big Horn Sheep, Wolves, and all the other WILD animals are wild for a reason, and not ment to be held in fenced in areas like you would for a dog or something like that.
This guy should be found guilty on everything they are charging him with and not allowed to hunt anymore. If he really wants to hunt he can go out and shoot one of his penned elk.
Quick Draw
These "clowns" are donating MANY thousands of dollars to help shed some light on the CWD problem through research. This research will benefit both the wildlife you hunt and the farmers. Anyone here wish to donate a couple thousand to the cause?? Bob
Good, then they can supply an enclosure that prevents contact with wild animals.
To have a known disease, in a known location, and fail to prevent the contact between wild animals and infected animals does not contribute to the cure, but it does justify continued research into the cause.
Actually I was being conservative with that statement...really private ownership of elk should be BANNED in ALL states, but for now I would settle for just the states that have wild elk.
Contributing to a finding a cure for a disease in a known area I surpport for really only one reason...I have been reading about CWD since one of the Field and Stream issues had an article about it, adn I find it sad and sick how the animal suffers with it. BUT people killing elk for being dangerous during the rut is too far.
And I agree with Washington Hunter, when he says that elk farms should be banned in areas and states with wild elk.
Quick Draw

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-11-2003 23:16: Message edited by: Quick Draw ]</font>
Colorado State University and the Colorado DOW turned down the offer to use the ranch as a research facility because it's NOT a research facility. So, I believe the couple is working through Ted Nugent's organization. I think that if they really wanted to donate money to find a cure, they would have gotten more bang for their buck, so to speak, if they would have made a donation to the university where all the research is being done. They've got personal motivations beyond wanting to just do the right thing.


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