PEAX Equipment

Another Which Cartridge Poll

Which cartridge for an all purpose rifle for my sons?

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I started shooting a 7mag as a big 12 year old and developed a bad flinch, disliked shooting that rifle, and it held back my progress as a hunter and shooter for years. Yeah it's a great chambering, everyone is different, and I'm clearly soft, but I betcha I'm raising a few more wimps who'll outshoot 95% of HT by the time they leave my house.
Again, nothing wrong with burning more powder and enjoying the performance benefits, but it got me a sore shoulder and bad shooting habits for most of my teenage years. Sample of one.
Killed my first deer with a 300 WBY. Bad experience.
7mm08 isn’t a popular cartridge here, so I can always get you ammo if your local shelves are bare. 7mag is harder to find and more expensive. If you go that route I would also look into hand loading.
The real question is if I take them hunting on the national forest during the muzzleloader/shoulder season while riding a snowmobile and they have rifles and I have a muzzleloader, will Hank Worsech know or care if they or I am the one who pulls the trigger on a bull in deep snow?

Or should I just ask if there’s going to be any elk left in MT for my sons to hunt with their new rifles in five years?
7mm-08. Any ballistic disadvantage would be negligible if they are taught to be hunters vs. shooters. But the whole long range deal is a whole different thread.

Never met someone who enjoyed shooting a 7mm-mag.

When I got to hunting age best I got was a 12 gauge Wingmaster with a youth stock slapped on it. Probably still why I’m not overly fond of recoil.
I started shooting a 7mm mag at 15. I loved the way it folded up critters. I say get em the mag. They will grow into it. I currently have a 7-08 and Linda feel like hypocrite saying that but I don’t hunt elk either.
7-08. I’m 40 and have learned that I enjoy shooting more when I get beat up less. I live my 30-06s, but that little Grendel or other smaller rifle will likely come out of the safe for just plinking/practicing… and I know that I will shoot better the more that I practice with the rifle that I hunt with. All the more with a teenager
280AI if you, or they reloaded. I would check and see which caliber has the greatest range of monlithic bullets which you like and buy it. 280 Remington. 270 Winchester or 7mm-08 are all so close i see liitle difference.

I would avoid the 7mm mag. Too much kick, too loud, long barrel required and heavy rifle.
I’m curious why you are stuck on that particular rifle? Seems like the right caliber is something in between the two listed.
It seems to me like the right combo of weight, quality, and function and the affinity my boys have for Howas after hunting with Randy back in 2017.

Truth be told if this rifle was offered in .270 that would have probably been my preference.
I like Howas/Vanguards. Good triggers, solid action, and every one I’ve seen has shot very well. My .30-06 Vanguard is my most accurate rifle out of a few very accurate rifles.
I started out with a 7X57 when I was 14, bought it with paper route money. Scrawny kid and to me it was about all I wanted to handle. 7RM when I turned, because of my WW2 & Koren war dad & uncles.

A few years later I bought a Weatherby VGS .Yeah, it's a killer, but I really didn't appreciate the recoil velocity nor the weight.

Years later I crushed a disk in my back, PAIN !!!!

After my surgery I had MY wife....HER Mom.... and MY Mom all three at 24HR Nag the hell out of me duty to lay in bed and to my best rendition of King Tut lying in his tomb !!!!

I know I didn't make the bestest decision of my life, but I called Capt. George.

"Skipper, get my the &uck outta here and take me up to Billy's....NOW" ( Deer Camp)

Yep, Noon the next day George shows up (with Capt Prouse, Desert Storm buddies ) and they whisk me away from the damn Mother Theresa's Hen House of Nag, Nag !

Anyway all that is about back ground. I have a Rem 600 in 308, but it's a bruiser to shoot, too light weight. As loud and as much of a thumper as my 7RM.

George hands me his 7mm08, and he with Scott escort me to a ladder stand. Help me up even. (2 weeks out of major surgery)

One hour late I have two tags that I need to punch and not one winch of discomfort with either shot !!

Needless to say I retired the 7Rm and bought a Ruger boat paddle 7/08. I am now the proud owner of a rifle that is the only one in my safe that has been 100% 1st shot DRT....
My son has a Browning X bolt Hells Canyon in 7mm RM and I will say that with it's brake on it's felt recoil is very light more like a 6.5 cm. Perhaps get the 7mm RM and buy a couple of quality brakes for the front end taming the beast so to speak. Just make sure you have good hearing protection as it's magnitudes louder with his brake on. Like when I shoot it I so so with plugs and muffs..

I think the rifles you showed are threaded..