Another reminder why you are armed in the woods at all times anymore!

Having worked and hunted in the wood all my life I have come across a lot of weird stuff out there. Stuff that just makes you say "WHAT THE F---!?" One time we had to survey the property boundary around a 40 acre inholding owned by a witches coven. They had all sorts of strange symbols and art work all over the place but no heads on a stick that I ever saw. They did however have a big sign proclaiming a terrible curse on anyone who dare trespass. They weren't the friendliest people we ever had to deal with but at least they didn't put a curse on us when we told them that one of their fences was in trespass and that they couldn't be putting "ROAD CLOSED" and "NO TRESPASSING" signs on the Forest Service road that ran next to their property. I still never carry a gun in the woods unless it is the gun I'm hunting with. I figure that if in the unlikely case someone or something is going to harm me, chances are they're going to do it before I could draw a gun anyway.
It has never even crossed my mind that I would need to be armed, in the wild or in town, to protect myself or my family from other people. Fear is high in the US these days.
Plenty of well armed, well trained professionals that wear a badge are killed by folks who are high, drunk, mentally ill, or bent on vengeance. (and those are the ones who expect it).
Case in point, Pogue and Elms with Claude Dallas.

I don't feel the need to be armed in every scenario of life. If I do have a weapon on my person, that is because that is the most convenient way to transport it.

Very few of us are quick draw artists and I think many people over estimate their personal defense capabilities.

There was a leather worker who showed a picture of a 21st century cowboy crew branding cattle in a set of corrals, while wearing pistols. AFAIAC, these guys could have left their pistols in the pickup. I know if they showed up packin' iron to my branding, I'd have asked them to put the guns away.
First picture...

i thought “wow that camp is nice and tidy. Those campers must be comfortable”

Second picture...

I just about dropped my iPad and passed out. That is pretty scary to me. Deranged humans are pretty scary to me. Pretty unpredictable. I can camp on the ground amongst the lions, bears, and wolves, but sleep next to a source of light when there is a psychopath lurking? Not so much...

Getting charged by a sow and Cubs is one thing... you know she is acting out of self defense.

Entering the hot zone of an adult that was abused every which way in their childhood that is trying to get away from it all and is coping from ptsd? Unraveling the emotional baggage that someone may have is complex. Figuring out what can cause a reaction that may jeopardize your life is not outlined. Someone hanging on by a last thread is not going to consider what they have to lose by abandoning social norms.

I get out to sort my thoughts and I sure hope to respect anyone else to do the same. I sure hope that head on a pike thing gets resolved.
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We got it marked on our ONX , but we’re disappointed under the way point symbols that they didn’t have an option for satanic camps or serial killers, maybe Newberg can get a hold of them and have them put that in and the options for next year ! Lol
That’d be sweet! Maybe a pentagram icon?
Are there serious posters who are concerned that the head is real? It would be hard to find one that looked more fake.

All I see is some weirdos camping where they aren’t supposed to be. I see weirdos all the time.

Everyone should carry all the time. I don’t, but I should.
It has never even crossed my mind that I would need to be armed, in the wild or in town, to protect myself or my family from other people. Fear is high in the US these days.
I hear ya and respect that. But there are thousands of victims that thought the same thing. I agree with the OP. My CCW is insurance for me and my family whether from tweakers in the forest or otherwise.
Capt. Robert Bravence, USMC and his wife, Cheryl were killed in a USFS campground on the South Fork of the Clearwater in June, 1983 by two "unemployed" brothers from Texas.
I was not far away in Kamiah when it happened. This has left me with a greater distrust of two legged predators in the woods than four legged.

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