PEAX Equipment

Another Rant Thread

I set it at ten over
That's what I'm talkin bout. My son does the same. You are likely not going to earn a speeding ticket, but heaven help you if you have an issue resulting in damage, injuries, or worse, a fatality. Then the "ten over" becomes reckless driving or reckless endangerment and the retribution in court is severe, plus you are subject to a civil suit which may take your ranch.
People know how to drive in Germany...I love driving there...
Going back off a deployment one time I was pulling the munitions trailer with a duce and a half. Another of our guy's went out around me and when he got next to me, a German in a car went right between the two of us the pass! Don't know what the law is in Germany anymore but when I was there pedistran's had the right of way! Auto's were not required to stop for school bus's loading and unloading either. For some reason parent's were expected to teach their kids to look before crossing the street! Almost forgot. Seem's that then if you got rear ended, you were at falut!
I have lived I all major regions of the US, from CT to GA to IN to CO to WA with a few other states in between those, along with Italy, UK and Germany (and having driven all over Europe as well) and can say that drivers in CO are BY FAR the worst as a group I have encountered. Stopping at the end of an on ramp instead of merging, going straight from an on ramp to the left (usually 3rd) lane, riding in the left lane BELOW the speed limit, having NO IDEA how to drive in any kind of inclement weather....on and on.

Add to that (and this is coming from me as a former LEO) CO police agencies seem absolutely un interested in anything remotely having to do with traffic. The only time I have see tickets being issued in and around the Springs is when they run a "targeted enforcement" ( cars or motos lined up with one LEO shooting radar). There is a law here in reference to the left lane obstruction....NEVER enforced. Snow or even a forecast of POTENTIAL snow? They are on "accident alert"-meaning they will NOT take any accident reports or work the scene unless there is injury. Shiz, when I was on the road I spent half of the winter working accidents......

For good measure, a law from Germany we need here........Anyone operating truck (box truck and above) caught in the left lane on the Autobahn is subject to arrest. I would modify it here to say any truck in the left lane when there are at least 3 lanes should be subject to HUGE ticket ( at least $1000) or a misdemeanor summons. From the Springs up through the Gap it is not uncommon to have trucks engaged in virtual rolling road blocks for miles and miles.
Nah, when I’m rolling 90 in the far left lane blowing peoples doors off in a semi I don’t need a ticket. Arrest the guy in the middle lane getting passed on both sides. Iowa better build some bigger jails. 90% of the state will be incarcerated.
Left lane's for rollin.

Or the person that you have to pass over and over because they are too stupid to use the cruise. I passed a car 17 times between Kearney and Lincoln one time. It’s a 2 hour drive. I was legit gonna run them in the ditch.
This drives me crazy on Highway 93 through the Bitterroot. Speed limits go down every time you approach a stop light; you pass a guy going 65 in a 70, then you slow down to 45 for the stoplight, and then that guy flies right by you still going 65, and you get to do the whole thing all over again. If I were a cop I'd just sit in those zones and make bank for the county in unending tickets.

Per the primary subject of this thread...the cops are often the worst offenders of the left lane driving. Just about every time I see a MT highway patrolman he's driving in the left lane. And of course everyone's too scared to pass him so we all just move in a half-mile wad of below speed-limit cars.
I'm sorry, but until you've dealt with New Jersey drivers you haven't seen the worst. The parkway and turnpike are enough to make you give up on humanity. 6 lanes and they are all stopped to look at a fender bender. The guy in the fast lane was actually standing outside of his car to get a better look.

If you wonder why Florida drivers are bad, it's because that's where all the New Jersey and New York people retire to.

Stationed there for 8 years.
Or the person that you have to pass over and over because they are too stupid to use the cruise. I passed a car 17 times between Kearney and Lincoln one time. It’s a 2 hour drive. I was legit gonna run them in the ditch.
Don't get me started
Welcome to Iowa


The farther south you get in the state the worse people drive. Then you hit the hills of Missouri and holy crap...
Theres a reason why if the bottom three tiers of counties in Iowa joined Missouri the Iq would go up in both states.
In Denver the left lane is often 80 to 85, middle slower, and right land entering and exiting. Bumper to bumper all lanes. In snow I stay off. People think they know how to drive on snow, they don't.

I drove way out past DIA from 25 miles n of town the other day. Crazy traffic, trucks were having a hard time just getting on and off, tailgaters, aggressive, etc. middle of the day. I could never drive a tractor trailer.

Off the interstate I drive 5 over max, if no one is around I set the cruise at the speed limit. I'm in no hurry and I like obeying the law.
Or the person that you have to pass over and over because they are too stupid to use the cruise. I passed a car 17 times between Kearney and Lincoln one time. It’s a 2 hour drive. I was legit gonna run them in the ditch.

I've had this experience, posted about it on here a while back in the '20 or '21 annual road rage thread. We were coming back from an elk hunting trip on the West slope and had guns in the truck, I was about to start shooting the tenth or eleventh time I had to change lanes to pass that chick going 55mph after she had just ripped by me again at light speed. :mad:
Nah, when I’m rolling 90 in the far left lane blowing peoples doors off in a semi I don’t need a ticket. Arrest the guy in the middle lane getting passed on both sides. Iowa better build some bigger jails. 90% of the state will be incarcerated.
I guess I'm the one getting arrested. If there's 3 lanes going one direction I drive in the middle. Usually 5 or so over. If someone needs to pass me they have 2 lanes to do so.
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