Another Idaho Whitey goes down hard...

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA

This was a sweet hunt. I tracked this buck for about 1/2 hour, then I thought maybe I was on a muley track, as it started picking its way down through some cliffs. Well, I had to see what it was, so I picked through there too, in the snow...

Then he took off across the little canyon, I picked an opening ahead of him and fired as he went in...then went to the next and fired again, then swung to the next opening...He stopped right in it and I fired again. This time he bolted straight down hill as fast as he could go and I lost him in the trees but heard a massive "crash".

As I tracked him across the slope where I was shooting I got nervous that maybe he was just wounded and I'd have to get another quick shot off to kill him....Then....there was no doubt. I hit blood and it was unbelievable. There was a red stripe about 5 feet wide for as far as I could see down the hill, about 100 yards! I found him piled up at the bottom of a 15 foot cliff, with his antlers stuck into his rub cage! Nuthin broke though!

I love hunting in the snow. Where abouts were you at? It has put down some serious snow around here the last couple days. LIL
Up around Priest Lake....there was only about 3 inches of snow and it turned out I had about a 300 yards drag downhill to the road!

One thing I have to say...I cant believe how big a buck has to get to "score good"....holy crap, this buck only grosses out about 135....when I first walked up I thought he'd be a 150 buck!! Oh well, he's still cool. You cant see in the pic, maybe I"ll post another later, but he's got some cool little stickers coming off his bases.

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