Another hiker killed by a Grizzly in YNP.

Yikes I'm thinking about doing my bivy a couple miles west of I may use a couple backup areas...ughhhh!
Not down playing it, but this guy was hiking in the most bear populated area of the park, alone, no pepper spray or gun. NOT real bright. Sorry for the guy and family but christ use your brain.

I was in the park last weekend and I can't believe people. There was young grizz eating on elk carcass and these jimmy's were all trying to get close for photos. :eek:
Very unfortunate, I agree. But for hunters thinking about changing their plans for this fall, I'd reconsider. I have hunted down around the north side of the park for over 20 years, for spring black bears and for fall elk/deer and also my mountain goat and my moose. I have never had any problems with grizzly bears although I see them quite regularly, from a distant and also up close and personal. Be smart when hunting/hiking, keep a clean camp, and if you do get an animal down, approach with caution. Close encounters are very rare considering the total picture (people numbers and hours spent in grizzly country -vs- actual attacks). Be bear aware and enjoy the great state of Montana and the many opportutunities available to us.
My worry is bumping along in the dark in the wee hours of the morning trying to get where I want to be before first light. That's our standard practice and it can get a little nerve wracking when something big starts moving in the brush ahead of you in the dark. It has been our best strategy for getting an elk on the ground though by far. We carry bear spray, but typically have our rifles in our packs at that point.

There are for sure grizzlies in the area we hunt. We usually see at least one and lots of sign. A lot of times we don't hunt until sunset because the guy I hunt with is too leary of quartering up an animal after dark, he had a pretty unsettling experience with a grizzly woofing at him while he was trying to get finished and get off the kill site in the dark.

I really think we need a season on these guys just to get them afraid of people again.
Very unfortunate, I agree. But for hunters thinking about changing their plans for this fall, I'd reconsider. I have hunted down around the north side of the park for over 20 years, for spring black bears and for fall elk/deer and also my mountain goat and my moose. I have never had any problems with grizzly bears although I see them quite regularly, from a distant and also up close and personal. Be smart when hunting/hiking, keep a clean camp, and if you do get an animal down, approach with caution. Close encounters are very rare considering the total picture (people numbers and hours spent in grizzly country -vs- actual attacks). Be bear aware and enjoy the great state of Montana and the many opportutunities available to us.

True but it only takes one wrong bear and one wrong move, even being careful, to completely ruin your day:) Speaking from experience.
You think getting wolves moved to State Mgmt was a pain in the azz, wait til you try our cuddly teddy bear friends!

The science for delisting the GYE bears is pretty solid. Molloy ruled that the decline in food sources wasn't included in the final delisting rule.

The NCDE population has a ton of work going on right now. Remember that bear study that McCain was railing against during the 2008 election? Yeah, that's what's going to help get bears delisted. Money well spent, in my book.