Another elkless opener!


New member
Jan 16, 2001
Rigby, ID USA
Hope some of you guys were in the right spot at the right time this weekend.

I spent the first 2 mornings/eves in a tree stand and saw no elk. Although it was obvious they used the water hole during the dark hours. Moose, after moose, after moose came in, and even a nice 4x4 mulie. But he kept his distance - and never came in. On Saturday some guy got a nice bear farther up the trail from us, but pissed us off as he blasted up the closed road on his ATV to bring it out.

We moved west 50 miles and tried the next couple of days still hunting and waiting on the trail in and out of some fields. My buddy missed a spike, TWICE, both times at ranges less than 30 yards. They, a small cow and spike, came to cow calls and were dumb as posts. :confused:

Next morning just as we were getting up to head back up to the truck around 1100, a cow and calf wandered up. My buddys son drew on the cow at 30 yards, noticed a bull 180 degrees up hill and immediately rotated at full draw to sight in on the raghorn. BUSTED, Crash, boom ---ELK GONE.....AGAIN!

Seems like if I don't draw a controlled hunt I am SOL.

Headed to Chicago for 2 weeks of military service, and hope to find some dumb rut crazy bulls when I get back.....Make sure you leave some in eastern Idaho!

Anyone else hunt elk from tree stands over water holes?

Sorry you struck out this week end. Be careful during you Chicago training. Hopefully you get lucky when you get back in two weeks.
Hey Elkchsr good to see ya back but sorry you didnt score on the hunting trip.Try to enjoy yourself in Chicago.hopefully you will have better luck on your return.

If you haven't already left, where will you be in Chicago?

I live in the west 'burbs. Give a shout if you will have any free time.

I fly out on Sunday and land at Ohare in the evening. I am a reservist LT RN and will be working at the medical clinic at Great Lakes. Plan to be in Chicago as much as possible and maybe check out a game at Wrigley ( should not be hard to get a ticket as they are playing Montreal ). Definitely want to check out the BASS PRO SHOP store!!

I will be there til the 20th, drop me an email [email protected] , maybe we can catch a meal and talk hunting!!

Kenetrek Boots

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