
Another day, another attack - Fishing Access Site Funding Attack

SB 153 is that vehicle. Amendments are being drafted now to fix some big issues with the bill, so it's not moved yet, but we tried this in 2019 only to get shot down in the senate.

But SB 153 wouldn't impact this budget. It would be available for future efforts, if passed, and allocated by the Legislature. This $700K is for the biennium, and means that if it is stricken, no FAS's for 2 years. That's a lot of time to let key access points go without protection.
Wow. Just $350K per annum? Are they not even giving a reason for slashing such a paltry amount if the revenue is coming in?
The federal level democrats are a huge reason Montana went straight red this year. The vast majority of Montana’s people voted against “defund the police” and similar democratic ideas. Gianforte didn’t even need to campaign....the feds locked up his election long before January 6th.
Until this election Montana has had no problem voting for the best candidate. We’ve had Democrat governors for years and Tester has held his seat as a Dem for quite a while.

If the feds keep trying to push the “progressive” agenda of Democrats then we might as well plan on a Republican controlled legislature on the state level.

Also, why do we act like Democrats are always the better option for hunting/fishing? We can look at some of the bills in Colorado/New Mexico/California right now and prove that’s not true. There needs to be a balance there. Most of MT Democrats are very moderate and fiscally conservative, but that’s not necessarily true in other states. We need to support that and push for the best candidate that will allow MT’s wildlife to thrive and maximize the opportunities we have.

Hank and Greg are trying to feed us a soup sandwich and the best thing we can do is fight back. If there is one thing MT is passionate about it’s hunting and public lands. This administration may learn the hard way if the Democrat’s of Montana bring forward a good option for 2024.
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