Another Antelope !!! (IminRut's)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Iminrut took this Lope.... I was suposed to Post it a bit ago but you guys know I'm a Slacker. He's gone from the Puter for a few days so I'll start with the Picture, He'll do the story :

Thanks I get back from more scouting last night, and finally get online again today to post the pic, and here you've already done it for me.. :eek:

The Story

I've been after a bigger buck since our opener....but last Thursday, I happen to watch this particular buck running with three smaller ones for the better part of the day....cruising for chicks. They must have covered near 20 square miles, but they kept coming by the big boys area, with his 25 does....where there also happens to be a small waterhole......and my DB, which had been set-up for a couple looked like it was time to use it

I was in the blind (I know it ain't glamorous, LOL
) as the sun 8:00am I caught glimpses of the "Boss" buck running the dog crap out of this buck........this went one for a couple hours, I knew it was only a matter of time and one of these two was gonna have to come to water......

At roughly 10:00am, this buck came in.....and he was dry....he must have drank for near 5 minutes..........he finally backed away, and as he turned broadside to leave, I grunted him to a stop........a 35 yard shot across water found me pinning his shoulders together......he didn't go 20 yards !!!

I got the whole approach and shot on Vid....lost him in the ruccus that followed the shot, LOL.......I caught something else on tape that I didn't notice till I played it back....He gave a soft bleat call just like a Whitetail Doe.....looks like I'll be taken a different call with me, for the next decoying opportunity......

He had a slug of baler twine wrapped around his horns, so I didn't think he was as good as he is.....once I hacked all of the twine off, I found a pair of horns over 14".....rough scored in the 73" range.... ;)
Thanks Guys......I don't know why it is, but when I consider whitetail, muleys and antelope in our area, I just to seem to have a nack for spotting antelope quicker....I can scout and pattern them better, and sure seem to be lucky with my bow.........these last four years have been the most memorable, I've taken three good "goats" all by different techniques......and have a ton of missed opportunities and memories to go with those hunts....

I honetsly think of all the critters to hunt with bow, I like Antelope the best...

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