Yeti GOBOX Collection

Another 3 days on the Mighty Rogue River


Mar 29, 2020
Good Morning All and a Great day it is.
Well! Gentleman I just got in late yesterday from another great week fishing 3 days on the River.
The Fishing was great ,But! The catching was not.
I guess I'm not much different then most of us sportsman whom are basically as my wife puts it a die hard of our breed. I look at that comment as I'd not rather be anywhere else in my life.
Not all, not even most of us sportsman are a die hard when it comes to Hunting and Fishing.
A lot of us either hunt or fish and many of those either hunt a couple things and also the same when it comes to fishing.
Take myself, growing in a family whom never had much, worked hard to make a living and the food on the table was either Deer, Elk, Quail, Doves, a lot of Ducks and Brant and then there was all the Salmon and Steelhead we could eat or smoke.
So with that most of the time when off work we were out putting table fare on the table for the family and yes back then it was all about the family.
So Growing up made me learn the staples needed to stay above ground when times are tough.
I don't see things much different today, Well! wait a minute I have to take that back a little.
In most house hold today both have to work to purchase the things in life they have to have. Kids today are more into the computer cell phone era then getting out having the fun we as kids used to have.
My group of friends at least most of them where all about hunting sports and then Girls and in that order. There were many other groups of friends that did the same and it was a contest during Duck season whom could kill more ducks. The thing about it was we were all out having fun all the time. When school was out we were in the field enjoying the day and at night with our Girl friends.
So all in all i guess most don't take hunting or fishing as a thing to do in to-days world.
Sad, If they only knew what they were missing out on. But as long as they have Cell phones and Computers what else is there?
Getting back to my Trip on the Rogue River and Spring Chinooks.
Finally and I mean Finally we had an inch and a half of rain and raised the river 8 inches and a small amount of color. Perfect to get these fish moving. Wrong!
These Chinook's and all Salmon in General come in from the Ocean Salt water to fresh water each and every year to continue there journey up river where they will Spawn and then die.
when entering the Fresh water River systems they have to acclimate from salt water to fresh water. I have heard so many stories on how long that takes is crazy so I figure 2-5 days.
But! These fish even after they acclimate does not mean they have to start there travels up river right then. These Salmon might play around in that brackish water, (salt, fresh water coming together) for days and even weeks before they push up river.
How do I know this is pretty easy. The Chinooks and all salmon when entering into fresh water have a sea lice latched to the tail section of the fish. These sea lice stay latched to that fish for about 3 days then start to fall off in the fresh water. So when we fish above tide water and these sea lice are no longer latched on we know that fish has been around for a while before entering its cycle up river to spawn. A very interesting ordeal to say the least.
So fishing above tide water for 3 days waiting for these fish to move up just did not happen.
there were a good number of fish that entered the system but did not move up river for what ever reason.
Only prepared for about 4 days I figured I head for the house and replenish and head back for another 3-5 days.
I mentioned in my last fishing article I live in my boat the whole time I'm on the river, So I guess my wife is right just an old Die hard and it suits me fine. My hygiene is up to par and well taken care of and I love being in the outdoors and yes I here all the time how in the Hell do you stay out there as long as you do?
Its about persistence and patience, If you don't have a little of both in what ever you do in the hunting and fishing world you probably not going to do well. When you are there and the Ducks and geese start playing a field you will get your share and if your bored the first 3 hours your there its probably not going to happen.
Example a good friend of mine just can NOT sit in a boat for more then about 3 hours and if you get him to stay 4 hours your a top talker.
I can not count the number of times this man has left and i come home with my Limit of Fall Chinook Salmon. He comes back well next time I just need to stay a little longer (Ya Think)
Next time comes and back to his 3-4 hrs. So we are I guess a breed of our own and I would not have it any other way. I look at it this way we can not hunt or Fish year round or maybe we could find something But even being that different breed I have my limits and take care of things around the home and treat my special wife like a gold nugget, but she knows when things start to pop I'm sitting in a Blind, or sculling Ducks chasing Elk, Bucks or wetting a line but its part of whom I am its the age thing that starting to slow me down even though the brain says no way the body has other words about that. So we Older folks just have to push it or become a couch potato, Its not going to happen here. As I was sitting there waiting for that bite I ask myself how long can I go without a bite? Myself: A long time.
We sportsman Know that if we are not there we are not going to shoot or catch any thing.
It is about being there and having the patience needed to keep us out there. Just that simple. If your in the field or on the water and have to be home in a couple hrs then why waist your time, oh yea some have said to get that shot/bite a day light well id ask those guys then your saying after day light, why? be there. Theory is all wrong!
So from supposedly a short story that became now a long story and hope I'm not boring you all.
The Fishing was great but the Catching was terrible and I will keep chasing these fish until they are done with there run which will go into June. I'm hoping I will have a few more great days of catching because I will always enjoy the Fishing.
So all have a great rest of your day hope all are well.. sculler72
Well Sir's
It is not only about Pictures. If you read the article you would see there were no pictures to see, as the fishing was great but the catching was bad.
No one asked for you to read such a long article. That is the choice we each have. I have been asked to write my articles when I have one. So it is your choice not to do so, then so be it.
20 or 30 photos lol come on give us all a break here.
I enjoy writing what my trips are all about and just maybe when you get a little older you might do the same. Its not always only about Catching, Shooting or Pictures that it all worth while when it comes to the great out doors> But I can see with some that surly is not the case.
And it's good writing, but we're kinda a picture crowd, even pictures of not catching fish.

Everyone is just giving you a hard time, no one is being serious.

The Rogue and a beautiful river. It's on my bucket list to float the lower permit section.