Another 1 down

Well i lucked up again and got another deer this morning. We woke up at around 5:15 and deerchick was sick again and didn't get to go this morning so i went with one of my dads friends from work. We go into our stands at about 6:15 and set there in the rain all morning. Well after a morning full of silence at 8:05 a 5 pointer suddenly appeared at about 70 yds in front of me. So i got into position to shoot and the deer started walking so Billy grunted and the deer stopped in a small opening where i could only shoot at the lower part of its shoulder. I felt comfortable with the shot so i decided to take it and squezzed of the trigger and hit the deer. The deer had no idea where the shot came from so it came running hard right for the bottom of our stand and so i was afraid it was heading for the clearcut so i chucked another shell in and got on the deer and shot it again and it tumbled end over end. This was the best weekend i have ever had in my life because i got 3 deer in 2 days and im just as happy as i can be :D :D
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