Anchor point

personal preference rules archery! i cant tell you how you should anchor ,because its a feel thing for me!but i can tell you what i do and maybe that will help. Everyones set-up (bow) is a little different some of the variables being release length and wether you use a string loop or ultra nock or something like that! where you like the peep or even if you use one? and just your shooting style can lend itself to establishing an anchor point
The knuckle of my first finger goes right under and in line with the corner of my jaw, i then split the center of my nose with the string, its kind of a two point system! when those two are right the peep sight should line right up every time!

Find whats most comfortable and whats most natural as far as getting to your anchor point and shoot alot.The repitition will become instinctive and you will become more consistent and ultimately a much better shot!! hope this helps and good luck with your shooting! keep us posted to your progress :D

[ 12 April 2001: Message edited by: DKO ]
I also center the string on my nose, but the anchor I must have is the back of my feather touches the corner of my mouth then the peep just lines up from there. I'm so used to the feather bit I do not know what I would co with out it LOL. A lot of shooters use a kisser buttom as an extra anchor
WORTHLESS NUT, I personally dont because most of my shots are from treestands an i limit myself to 20-25 yrds, i do know guys who sift slightly to compensate for yardage and from what i understand it a feel thing! almost like instinct more than a specific position! like Rich , it becomes second nature and ya dont even think about it! hope this helps GOOD LUCK!!!!
Once you establish where a comfortable anchor point is thats where it will be.....Mine with a release is to place the joint of my pointer finger and hand right at my ear Lobe I also use a kisser buttonright at the corner of my mouth. the ultimate key is PRACTISE and get comfortable
Better 2 months Late then NEVER :D

I put my right thumb behind my head.. Burry the right ponter finger under the right corner of the mouth have the KOCK vien out (OR ODD VIEN) and tucked inthe Corner of my mouth. That way the Eyesight for the Peep ALWAYS Lines up and the bow just needs to Be lifted of dropped....

DOES THAT MAKE SENSE ?~?~?~ The reason I do that is so the ANCHOR is ALWAYS in the same spot. I only know one other guy that does this. BUT it WORKS for us I tell ya !!!!
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