American Hunt Sabateurs Association

Gee RINGER, mine is still behind the truck seat where it has always been...

I think we should go to their site an offer to take some of them hunting. I'd be willing to tell them where I hunt. :) :)
How would they sabatoge a hunt in Texas? They would`t be able to get inside the high fence
280 said:
How would they sabatoge a hunt in Texas? They would`t be able to get inside the high fence

Seems like they are against all hunters to me but, when in doubt, the most intelligent Montanan response would be to bash Texas.

I'll bet divide & conquer works just fine for these kooks.
The hunters' e-mails posted on there do a good job of making us look like the inbred hillbillies they think we are. Hunters are their own worst enemies.
I don't. Read any thread on any hunting forum regarding groups like this and you see idiots posting that nonsense.
Oak said:
I don't. Read any thread on any hunting forum regarding groups like this and you see idiots posting that nonsense.

...some of them resemble 'debates' found on hunting forums.
We're easier to conquer when divided, so as one great president once declared. "Texans tear down your walls and hunt like true sportsman, so we once again can be united in our endevor."

I think it was somthing close to that, anyway we need to clean up our act, and game farms are one big messy point.

They feed fuel to the anti movement. Perception is everything.
"Game farms" are pretty neat from some definitions of neat, very little wasted meat, that's neat, right? If people were against killing any somewhat restricted animals, then that would be anti meat, more than anti hunting, right? Its not anti killing fenced animals, its antihunting. Animals don't get hit by cars, cars and people don't get messed up by running into animals, that's neat about fenced animals, right? A lot of antihunters love beef for example, right? Clean up your own act, isn't it hunting that feeds fuel to an anti-hunter? At least get the facts straight. They don't care what kind it is, they are against it. Everybody thinks its somebody else's hunting they are against, but I'm thinking anti-hunting means against hunting, no matter what kind. That would be the first fact to get right, then you can point your finger in the right direction, eh? Its antihunting, get it?

For example, the above link for this group states in their purpose:

"Here you will find information about disrupting hunting activities, eliminating death as a recreational activity, saving 'game animals,' and eradicating the perversion known as 'sport' hunting."

Pretty much against hunting, game animals and sport hunting. We should probably not use the word "game" and the word "sport" with respect to our hunting, that's the way I lean. We don't talk about sport gardening, we don't talk about game tomatoes, we talk about getting back to basics and appreciating nature and providing good habitat to grow our food, that's what we should emphasize with our hunting, that's what I think the antis need to hear more of from us hunters.
Wow Tom you my friend are way the hell out there! Me thinks drug and alcohol counseling are in order for you and the sooner the better!
I know where the word "sport" came from, when they realized wildlife management was needed for real hunting to continue, they didn't know what to call hunting where wildlife management was practiced and they made a choice to use the word sport, thinking hunting was a sport. It emphasizes the wrong part of hunting, I would argue. Where did the word "game" come from? Is it that in the sport, they are the game animals, making the situation worse. That says not only is hunting a sport, but its like a game. Wrong emphasis again.

The animals are food and they need habitat and both need to be managed, so we can live in a good world. That's what hunting should emphasize. Emphasizing hunting as sport with game animals is going the wrong way with hunting.

No drugs, no alcohol, it just makes sense.