Caribou Gear Tarp

Am I selfish?

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
To all of you all,

I have a great job and travel the world.


I have applied for a job in Alaska at half the pay(or even less) for the summer.
I told my bosses I want to take the summer off and they seemed OK. I have worked for them for many years and have every reason to believe the job will still be there when I come back.

So, am I selfish or not..
I don't know your situration or employer or industry, but I would think long and hard about it. In this economy jobs have a way of disappearing. Then again, you only go around once so what the heck. Go, have fun, and worry about your job when you get back. It will most likely be there. Just be sure when your emp0loyer seems to be Ok with it that he/ she is really OK with you being gone all summer.