Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

ALT-Facts on Public Lands

I don't see this as a hoof/hike vs the rest issue. It's not either/or.

A broad stroke by myself.
I believe we have (still broad):
1. Foot/hoof die hards.
2. Foot/hoof & other transport (Multi use).
3. Other transport die hards.

1&3 are fighting for 2. Typical setting. The problem with this, from my perspective, the qty of people using our Wilderness areas are very few in comparison - as I personally like it. The STUDY AREAS are a source of contention.

With that... Foot/hoof are found in the minority.
Very broad case in point... You and I both enjoy the wilderness hiking/riding horses, etc. You and I differ on the study areas for multi use - access opportunities. Even if we split 50/50 on multi use type personalities... Foot/hoof will be the minority.

We are fighting against our own allies for federally protected public lands.

Thanks for the update. I'll read the actual bill again. I used his public address to match the Wilderness Study Areas to those selected and not from the actual bill. If you are saying Daines bill states different facts than his public statement regarding the specifics of those five WSA's, then yes, I agree, this is horse shit and I'll send another message sharing my concerns upon further consideration as my first was a share of support to FINALLY act upon the GAO's recommendations.

*Caps not what the diehard keyboard chest thumping gurus consider yelling. Simply enhanced word(s). :)
This was a better thread when we stuck to pics. Maybe the editorial fellas will move their stuff to a new thread.
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Definitely can’t start any family traditions in Wilderness areas. Totally inaccessible.


Eagle Cap Wilderness, Oregon
My kids at 8 and 11 years old hiked from big sky to Spanish creek in 3 days and caught a few fish along the way. Spanish Peaks Wilderness area. If little kids can do it, almost everybody can.
Greenhorn... I already appreciated your wit, but those photos are pretty stellar. Your hunt/fish game is strong. Glad to see you're passing it down the line.
Here’s my son at 12 with a bear from the Lee Metcalf Wilderness. It was taken after his last day of school as a 7th grader. I think I’ve taken about 15 bears from inside the actual wilderness boundaries, almost all of them after leaving work/town at 5pm or later. I’d rather stab a ice pick into my eye than sit in the truck and glass the Bridgers like so many do.

My last bear, also from a wilderness area.

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