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Alone Season 7 has started

If there was something to learn from season 6, it's that most tapped out due to injury (or shelter fire) but most due to loss of weight. It seems like once you get past the first few weeks, the winner is the one who starves to near death the slowest. Not one is getting enough or the proper food to even come close just to maintain weight.
that was true until season 6, but that and season 7 were won by guys who got lucky and arrowed a big animal, so they ate plenty well enough.
Roland is a mountain man in the wrong century. A bad ass. He came armed with a significant skill set and knowledge base. Love watching him. Those last two gals were tough ones too. Cally (?spell) always kept a great attitude. No doubt she would be much wealthier if she wouldn't have gotten frostbite.
actually, he's a twit who got lucky. He wasted 2-3 weeks on a shelter that was so poor that it needed a fire inside of it. He was so ignorant as to be walking around with just one arrow. he cant stalk worth a hoot, so he ended up shooting an ox in the butt. Then he was too lazy to trot 10 minutes back to camp for more arrows. they are stuck in a 1.2 mile radius of their drop off points? Did you know that? So that's as far as he could possibly have been from his camp. He was too cowardly/ignorant to use his boot laces to lash his knife to a pole, make a bola, entangle the ox's legs and spear it. No sort of fire can warm up boulders enough to have them give back any heat. A fire inside of your shelter requires so many vents that you lose nearly all your heat. They should stick to portable shelters, at least until the lake ices over. He left meat exposed for 2 days, so he's lucky a wolf pack didn't eat half of it and then slobber and pee all over the rest of it. Pathetic performance. He left that animal to suffer for FIVE HOURS,. Did you catch that part?
Gonna be tough to beat Roland with that shelter! To me it was a risk for injury and burned calories but it was high reward. To me there's about 6 I think are mentally ready for this.
actually, it's a pathetic waste of 2-3 weeks of time and calories. No amount of fire heat is going to warm up boulders. all they'll do is suck the heat out of your shelter. An inside fire is a no no. A small, sealed, reflective, double layered, debris stuffed tarp shelter is a much better deal and you can make one in half a day. In the 2 weeks of saved time, you can make lots of netting out of the 2 person rope hammock and catch a lot of fish. Very few will even have a big animal come on their pathetic little 2.5 sq mile area of alloted land. They are given 5 sq miles, but half of it is out on the lake. So baited big game traps, lots of net pens, a seine, chumlines and a pontoon outrigger raft are the way to go. It's not luck when 2300 sq ft of netting catches 600 lbs of fish in a month. It IS luck if you get a big animal with an arrow, when you cant move more than a mile in any direction.
Callie was definitely tough as nails. She genuinely loved being there and I agree if she wouldn’t have gotten frostbite I think Roland would have been in trouble
not really. They'd have just split the million $ prize, that's all
I'm pulling for Amos. He's got a great attitude and is slaying the fish. Interesting how the shelters have evolved. Some very labor intensive builds. Kielyn not having her bow at hand really cost her in ep: 3. I was really surprised by Roland and his negative attitude about the location he was dropped in. Sucks but make it work. He's got a radius of 5 miles to use and being from AK I thought he was the one. Now I think he'll tap out. Love this show.
wrong. he's got a 1.2 mile radius and 5 sq miles of area, half of which is out on the lake.
Watch the episode last night... so killing a moose with a stick bow, awesome, he did a great job on the butchering especially with a multi-tool.

Question? HOW the F*&@ are people on these shows allowed to hunt?

He's a resident of Virginia, so aside from tags (which I didn't see him validate)

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it's simple. The producers made a deal with the natives and got "subsistence permits" for all of the contestants. They get to use gillnets, ignore most of the hunting and trapping laws.
He is in Alaska right now getting ready for sheep
none of them have a clue about a proper shelter. In half a day, I can build one that's much warmer, and it's portable. No need of a fire inside of it and i'd not even take a sleeping bag. the 10x10 tarp can be converted into a sleeping bag, with dry debris. The reflective 12x12 tarp is used for the inside layer of the 7 ft long, 4x4 tarp shelter. Chunks of the 20x20 tarp become the outside layer and floor of the shelter, with 6" of compressed debris under the floor and between the layers of tarp, sealed with the duct tape.

Have you noticed that they have so much clothing that they can sit on the ice at -10F for hours on end? I bet none of them knew to stuff debris between the layers of their clothing. None of them knew to bring the 10x10 tarp and the sleeping bag as they did so. DUH. The remainder of the reflective tarp can swiftly become a poncho, leggings, hoot, breech clout, booties, mittens, with debris between it and the outside layer of clothing. When you've got that much clothing and a proper shelter, you dont need much of a sleeping bag.
it's simple. The producers made a deal with the natives and got "subsistence permits" for all of the contestants. They get to use gillnets, ignore most of the hunting and trapping laws.
How does a NR Alien get a subsistence permit? Are they transferable?
like I said, the producers made a deal with the natives and the Canadian govt. Money changed hands. They all know that at most one big animal will be killed. and everyone else will starve.
So are you going to spend all of your time here nit-picking things about the show you didn't care for? Sheesh...
I didn't understand why the dude in season 6 kept leaving his fat and fish up in the meat storage rack after all the bears were obviously in hibernation at that point. Drove me totally nuts!
there's still foxes, wolves, lynxes, and wolverines, bro. Not all bears hibernate. The polar bears dont and some dont have enough fat to lay up, and some wake up early. You dont risk half a million by being lazy and careless about your food supply.
So are you going to spend all of your time here nit-picking things about the show you didn't care for? Sheesh...
what's it to you if I do? Nothing makes you read my stuff. I'm just getting started. I'ts not nitpicking when big money is on the line and people want to learn.
I've applied for the show every season since the first. If anyone here wants to learn anything about winning this show. I'll do just fine. If all are like you, "thinking' you know it all, then I wont. I dont need you.
I got inspired and started binge watching season 6 on Hulu yesterday......Ol boy going after that wolverine in the dark? Can't decide if that is bad a$$ or stupid. He's got stones, that for sure.
most wolverines are no bigger than a big coon. Almost none are bigger than a medium sized dog. He'd already arrowed it, so he had to finish it off.
There was a fun story told about how their locations were determined: random selection revealed the location by eating a cupcake and finding the camp number inside.

I find it interesting to see how contestants mindsets have evolved over the seasons. This group continues the trend of “settlement thinking” over “mere enduring” thinking. 100 days this far north is gonna be no joke.
It's not that tough if you know what to do, which none of them have, so far. It's silly to "homestead" since they are going to be gone from the area by Dec 27. It's only below 0F for about a month of their stay. If they know to make a lot of netting out of the 2 person rope hammock, they should have their needed 200,000 calories (600 lbs of fish) in a month, after taking 3 weeks to make all of the netting, the pontoon outrigger raft, the chumlines, make 2 small hooks out of each large one., etc. having caught another 100 lbs of fish on the way to getting into full production.
How does a NR Alien get a subsistence permit? Are they transferable?

Canadian indigenous tribes can manage certain areas/reservations/territories the way they see fit. For example, they outfit some hunts on some rez here in Saskatchewan for mule deer but mule deer IS NOT open to non-resident in terms of regulated hunting.

Not sure where/what Great Slave lake falls under in terms of territory but this could easily be a deal brokered between the Inuits or Denes, the NWT Gov't and the show. There's not much money going into the local economy up there and this would be a great platform for the Gov't to broker deals with the show to have local guides, help, etc. Obviously, I'm only speculating but even as a Canadian non-resident I cannot do any of what the show cast can do up there without a guide.
Once again "Alone" has started a new season. It is shown on the History Chanel. Oldtimers from HuntTalk will perhaps recognize a couple of threads regarding this show, as a member from here (not active recently) was a contestant on one of the Vancouver Island episodes.

And another thread as season three was kicking off.....

This new season repeats last season's location with contestants being dropped off along Great Slave lake in NWT Canada with winter time approaching. 10 survivalists who self film, forage, hunt, and attempt to live the longest. Previous winners have won $500,000. Someone going the distance of 100 days will win $1 million.
nobodys known to make 1700 sq ft of 3" mesh netting out of a rope hammock, or to take the duct tape. Only 1-2 have known how to reliably get fire without a ferrorod. Most have not known to bury their coals in their ashes. None have known to make a proper shelter, which can be done in half a day. None have known to take the 3 lbs of salt, altho it was not needed for the 3 seasons on Vancouver Island. Nobody's known to make a pontoon outrigger raft, takes one day and offers vistas in potential for feeding yourself.
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