
ALL those going on the HUNT to Texas..


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
If ya have a cell phone E-mail it to me. USE this E-mail, [email protected] (THANX).

I'm coming in on the :

Flight 2328 SAN Antonio Marrch 28th 6:48PM (DELW, You're a little slow but, do I need to post the year ?!!? ;))

I'll be butt nekkid with a Frying pan, YA can't miss me :D
WELL ya could have E-maile me Jason.. DID n't need to Post your #.. NOW every KOOK can call ya ... ;)

BTW, My # is (208)571-1ELK

ALSO, I thought you were getting in much later ?!?! We can wait around then.... We'll go run and HAve dinner afterwwards.. Although, I'll be flying 1st class so I'm sure they'll feed me something :eek: ... :rolleyes:
I would take my phone along with me but it is only good along the I-90 corridor Moose.Besides it is a work phone and they might frown on me if I lost it in Texas.
My arrival time is still the same time as before;United Airlines flight #1666 arriving at 4:45 pm See you there. :D
Looks like Keaven will be the first to arrive on the planes so we will get to meet him first.:D I got most of the info off the other posts about when everyone is flying in. I don't know about a banner Moosie but I am sure we will be able to let you know who we are. :D :D :D :D
Wow I cant wait to post these cell #'s all over the truck stop bathroom walls on my way HAHAHA

I come in about an hour before Kraven. I'll go go sign in for the rental car (leave it in their lot so I don't have to re-park it) and then come back to meet up with Kraven. You can go look at Moosie's Family album to see what we all look least those who have posted pictures!

Moosie - you should already have my cell phone number, but I'll send it to you again...

Those flying in should post their airline, arrival time, flight number, etc. so we can check at the airport for arrival gate info. I am flying American Airlines, get in at about 3:40 PM from Dallas (connecting flight). I'll post the flight number when I get home tonight. Here it is:

Flight # 1247 Arrives 3:40 PM American Airlines
JAson...l I talked to the guys and 90% of them wanted to leave... I told them NO, BUt I won't tell you who didn't want to wait :D :D

NO worries.. I'll jsut have enuf time to get my bags.. then we'll come up and visit y'all !! You'll remember me right.. OR do I have to bring a picture of my wife :eek: :eek:
American Airlines
Flight # 2739
St Louis to San Antonio
Arriving SAT @ 4:50pm


P.S. Without jerky I will rent a car,,,,,with jerky I THINK I have a ride,
S E E>>>> what i mean?? Shakey mentions food and he gets SENILE.. Shakey you will arrive on Thursday.. You PUTZ !!! NOT Saturday??? DUH.. geezh's Shakey.. get a grip on yourself.

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