Yeti GOBOX Collection

All NM & Tonto AZ NF's ceases all wood extraction permits.

Some folks are taking this that the forest is closed & hunting ,camping etc. will be effected. Nonsense.
Sorry if I appear unclear.That's life.LOL
When people see how these groups are able to take away our rights to use our land, it is what makes people support the movement to transfer them to the state. You can still cut wood on NM land can’t you?
I don’t want the land transferred but a lot of rural people do, and although I disagree, I can sure sympathize with why when I see shit like this.
These groups inspire their opposition just like all of the mess over grizzly bears and wolves stokes support for repealing or changing the ESA, which I am a big fan of doing because of Earth Justice
These aren't issues to big city folks who use natural gas to heat their homes. For the rest of us surrounding the small villages, it a catastrophe of epic proportion. The Federal Government has forced us into a situation of life or death. I know of no higher form of oppression do you? People will do whatever it takes to survive, no matter what the consequences are. Transfer of public land? Hell, there won't be any forest land left to transfer!
Maybe these two can craft some common sense legislation to put an end to this nonsense?

"Daines and Feinstein have been working on forest management reform proposals for several years, and the Paradise tragedy may be what pushes the legislation through a divided Congress, Daines said. He called the bipartisan effort a breakthrough."
You are kidding right? Sen. Feinstein has done more to eliminate hunting on public lands than any Senator who has ever lived! You are a Ram man, and you don't know how she tried to eradicate the Desert Bighorn on public lands?
These aren't issues to big city folks who use natural gas to heat their homes. For the rest of us surrounding the small villages, it a catastrophe of epic proportion. The Federal Government has forced us into a situation of life or death. I know of no higher form of oppression do you? People will do whatever it takes to survive, no matter what the consequences are. Transfer of public land? Hell, there won't be any forest land left to transfer!

It’s a bad situation.
You are kidding right? Sen. Feinstein has done more to eliminate hunting on public lands than any Senator who has ever lived! You are a Ram man, and you don't know how she tried to eradicate the Desert Bighorn on public lands?
My policy with politicians is to encourage them when they do positive work, and beat them like a rented mule when they do not. Feinstein is doing positive work here, so I am encouraging it. Besides, she is not my representative and I can't vote for her, but she is actively working with my Senator on common sense forest management legislation so how about focusing on that and not all the other b s?
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These aren't issues to big city folks who use natural gas to heat their homes. For the rest of us surrounding the small villages, it a catastrophe of epic proportion. The Federal Government has forced us into a situation of life or death. I know of no higher form of oppression do you? People will do whatever it takes to survive, no matter what the consequences are. Transfer of public land? Hell, there won't be any forest land left to transfer!
When the big city folks natural gas gets cut off by the same environmentalist nut jobs that are stopping you from collecting firewood on the Gila, they may eventually wake up and smell the roses.

I think your issue is with the environmentalists, not the federal government.
My policy with politicians is to encourage them when they do positive work, and beat them like a rented mule when they do not. Feinstein is doing positive work here, so I am encouraging it. Besides, she is not my representative and I can't vote for her, but she is actively working with my Senator on common sense forest management legislation so how about focusing on that and not all the other b s?

Not a hard concept to follow.........
For decades I have not given any credibility to her drivel. I won't start now. It's like giving Hitler the Sudetenland if you ask me.
For decades I have not given any credibility to her drivel. I won't start now. It's like giving Hitler the Sudetenland if you ask me.

This is the biggest reason crap doesn't get done. We view our fellow countrymen & women as enemies rather than people w/whom we have differences of opion.

Well said, BHR. Work with whom you can, when you can.
When the big city folks natural gas gets cut off by the same environmentalist nut jobs that are stopping you from collecting firewood on the Gila, they may eventually wake up and smell the roses.

I think your issue is with the environmentalists, not the federal government.
We are talking about FEDERAL lands closed to wood operations by a FEDERAL District Judge. All the enviros do is make the payoffs and buy politicians.
This is the biggest reason crap doesn't get done. We view our fellow countrymen & women as enemies rather than people w/whom we have differences of opion.

Well said, BHR. Work with whom you can, when you can.
There has to be a line in the sand. You can try and erase it but it will always be there. If you give the antis any credibility, they will just become stronger and more powerful when they turn on you. I had hoped you guys would have figured that out by now.
There has to be a line in the sand. You can try and erase it but it will always be there. If you give the antis any credibility, they will just become stronger and more powerful when they turn on you. I had hoped you guys would have figured that out by now.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
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