Alberta Shiras Bull Moose adventure

One thing on my mind for this hunt was the fact that I would be using my trusty ol' Remington Mountain LSS in .260 rem. I was worried about the fact that the best factory load I have used through the gun is the 120 grain ballistic tips for accuracy and that they might be too light on a critter the size of a moose. Anyways, back to the hunt. I was frantically looking in the direction of the other moose I had seen on my stalk that was indeed the bull I had set after, just that he had fed back towards a large willow clump. As I could see him feeding in the willows 350 yards away a group of WT does could smell me and they started to blow the alarm and proceed to flag out of the area. The bull was wary of the alarm and looked hard for the intruder, but I managed to stay still for what seemed like ten minutes, but was probably closer to 1 minute. I knew at this point that if he went right he would be swallowed up by a large tangle of willows which would possibly end the stalk. But, if he went left, I would have a chance at him as I would need to move 75-100 yards ahead and to my right to get to the corner of the willows for a clear shot. When he turned and went left I knew it was my chance and I sprinted the 100 yds to the corner and clicked my safety off for a standing freehand shot. when I peeked around the willow I could see a cow and calf running off to my SW and he was not far behind. Strangely enough, he went 20 yards and stopped to look back. I put the squeeze on the trigger, and missed cleanly??? I have to admit, the 100 yrd dash was nothing like I did it in high school, but my breathing was quite erratic to say the least. The second shot was followed with the welcomed "thump" of bullet contact and the third hit him high in the shoulder/neck and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. At this time I had very mixed emotions, as I was pumped to seal the deal on a fine Bull moose, but was sad that my 11 yr wait was over in a mere 30 minutes. Oh well, one in the hand is better than two in the bush my father used to say so this one's for him!!!! Bull taped out at a surprising 56" wide and I couldn't be happier with his points and filled in fronts. The broken brow palm on the one side is a bummer, but adds character. Cheers to all for the rest of the season for whatever species you fancy and may all your shots be true.

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